That place looks dodgey as!
I go past that place a couple of times a week and everytime i think, if they were any good they would have been stolen by now. I must admit it does look nice from a far.
Once i was driving past and i saw a P plater Black Suzuki GTi on its roof on the on ramp of lane cover rd onto M2. That big sweeping left hander. Cops everywhere must have been a slow crime day
Yeah ive heard many stories about this club, bloke from work was not allowed in because of his Haircut! He had it shaved number 3 all over but had lines cut into it as well, looked good. Anyway wasn't allowed in but "new australians" with massive mohawks were waved right thru.
Seen this on a few other forums, sad to see.
Where is the Rev needle? I cant see it under 3000rpm.
I know that some tacho's are desgined to stay on the spot at impact, hense 100km/h. Also i cant see any skid marks so i guess he was definatly boosting(not sure if it has ABS).
Why didnt the factory airbag go off?