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Everything posted by Skyline_034

  1. anyone know what the globe is called. The one on the roof at the front (near the sunroof buttons), im missing the globe but the power of the globe is 12v 10w is it states. what kind goes in there? tiny screw in?
  2. ahhhhhh it's nuts! any idea when you would 'fit' it in? also do you have the handbrake handle? not the boot, the part above it. if so how much? and is it in good condition, im a bit picky lol
  3. Good evening everyone, just pulled off my Apexi turbo timer today and i am selling it. It works, im looking for $100 cash. Open to offers. Peace, OJ
  4. ehhhh great.... hate electrical problems. i guess ill try it out tomorrow and see how i go. Thanks 89CAL & Sinista32 Peaces, OJ
  5. Hey everyone Like the thread topic states.. My left and right indicators on the headlights aren't working but the rest are. The globes are fine, and when I test to see if any power is in there, there isn't. The fuse under the dash is fine. Ive got the relay pulled out atm. How would I know if my relay for my indicator isn't working, and if ive gone in the wrong direction please guide me.. kind of lost Cheers OJ
  6. Hey man, I was wondering if you got the heater airflow actuator, as mine has the clicking noise on start up and if you have your battery bracket with the prongs? Cheers OJ
  7. Thanks Steg33, I'll keep in touch, just sorting some things out and will get back to you. Good luck with the sale of the rest of the items. Cheers, OJ
  8. does the r33 gtr spoiler have the rear break light on it as well? also would you sell the spoiler without the boot lid, if so how much?
  9. Ohhhhhh I see lol I full forgot it could be aftermarket... I'm an idiot.. Thanks man, I thought it was because of different series in 33s
  10. Good morning everyone, i hope everyone is doing well. i have started to realise that the intercooler setup on R33 GTST's series 1 and 2 is different. meaning; Stock Series 2 r33 gtst how the intake is in a " U " shape and Stock Series 1 r33 gtst how the intake is directly from the corner. but these be a easier way to understand the difference between a s1 and s2. i know there can be a s1 (1.5) look as well. can Series 1 r33's have the same setup when stock or vice versa? can anyone shed some light on this?
  11. hey SAU members, like the thread topic says? mines takes about 1-3secs, im assuming my alternator is going soon? or is it something else?
  12. hey mate, when was it last registered? how many previous owners has it had? and has it been in an accident before? cheers!
  13. gun metal grey r32 gtr "GOD2LA" near keyzy maccas looks good +1
  14. good point! right on the nail.
  15. hahaha, its more like our car. i cant drive turbo legally =) so stuck with it for now, unless and maybe i might buy a non turbo 32/33 for now, i guess we'll see. dw ill have one or 2 soon
  16. its for the mrs, shes picky and yes i know, there's plenty of other cars with different colours out there, but nopeee Sliver it was lol but all good, picked myself up a nice 33gtst
  17. bought one guys! thanks for the input /closed
  18. hahaha good way of putting it, but yeh things didn't add up + i found another that was worth it. so all good, walked away from that seller.. thanks for the input! cheers Oj
  19. ahhh yeh, good work on that! cheers!
  20. yeh thats true! oh and one more thing, i was finding more info about Series 1 and 2 of r33's and i see that the induction for the turbo is different. a series 1 engine, http://www.google.co...r:17,s:18,i:182 a series 2 engine, http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=skyline+r33+gtst+series+2+engine+bay&hl=en&biw=1600&bih=723&tbm=isch&tbnid=kw7bMndLimm0HM:&imgrefurl=http://youthtattoos.blogspot.com/2011/04/nissan-skyline-r33-gts.html&docid=rfmSTWzUbK0-zM&imgurl=http://www.vertar.com/images/cotm/nissan-skyline-r33-gtst-407_2_large.jpg&w=800&h=600&ei=ueIlUMyrLey0iQfD1IGwDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1088&vpy=69&dur=375&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=152&ty=125&sig=105794511548864904128&page=2&tbnh=162&tbnw=216&start=18&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:18,i:160 what im trying to get at, is the AFM piping to the engine looked like a series 1. and im pretty sure Nissan never put s1 engines back in to series2 gtst 1997 model. just thought i'd add that lol
  21. ahhh yeh, i get what you mean. nice job on it! looks great with the s2 front if you dont mind me asking, how much did the extra parts cost?
  22. ahhh sweet! thanks mate!, might be doing something like to when i get a S1
  23. any photos of this? would like to see it.
  24. thanks SAU members for the input! really helpful guys! still on the look out for a 33 GTST though
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