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About glaze

  • Birthday 08/10/1973

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Victoria
  • Interests
    Golf, Fitness & Travel. Oh, and Beer, definitely Beer!!:)

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  • Car(s)
    1993 R32 GTR VSpec
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  1. Thanks. Its not my car hence asking questions. @Dose Pipe Sutututu what rotors/pad combination would you recommend?
  2. Hi Guys, Just wanting to get some options for new Tyres and Front Brake Rotor options for R35 GTR. Nissan are quoting ridiculous numbers for both tyres and front brake rotors and wanted to get some thoughts on best alternatives. Are there any good GTR workshops on the Sunshine Coast, preferably near Noosa? Thanks
  3. Thx mully Have a keen, genuine buyer coming this morning to check it out.
  4. Will be on Carsales today and will be priced at $24,000. Still open to trades and head overseas in 3 weeks, will then be away for 2 months.
  5. Thanks mully. Will be putting this up on Carsales in the next few days if no buyers from the forum world. Here come even more "Will you take $15K?" oh but its cash
  6. Thanks Dennis, if I did that I wouldn't need to sell it as I would be divorced:) Here are some more pics for those guys that were requesting them. These have more details of the imperfections of the car. Imperfections are the knick out of the rear bar, as well as the few marks on the front bar. The small peeling of the rear windscreen seal, as you can see its tiny but I am a perfectionist when it comes to my cars. I had planned to respray front and rear bars and fix any little issue with the car. Since owning it, I have done some preventative servicing, new coil & coil loom as I know these eventually become a problem, as well as anything else that needed doing like replacing a power steering hose. As you will see, interior is in excellent condition, apart from the drivers side booster which has been patched. Forgot to take a pic but can upload for any interested parties. As you will see and as previous owner Dennis above stated, this car is in great condition and has been owned and reputed by mature, sensible owners since being in Aus.
  7. Nismo Dash has 55,000kms on it and have verification of low KMs since being in OZ. I believe the Nismo Dash was put in while in Japan, interior is in immaculate condition so would suggest pretty low Kms, but can never be sure.
  8. Thanks Guys!! mickey, we can get it transported
  9. Keep the trades coming guys! Slightly neg for a cash sale!!
  10. rb30gtr, Im hearing you! Drove in into the city this morning and was having regrets even posting it for sale! I know right now I would love to free up some cash, so will have to be a great deal for me to release car!!
  11. Lots of interest so far, but not quite the right trades & will not accept $20K or near that in cash! Will definitly keep it at that range. Open to look at trades with approx $5K (or more) cash my way. Thanks
  12. I know Dennis, our house build has gotten out of hand:( I am hoping that it doesn't sell before we go to the US & then Jackie wins big so I can keep it:)
  13. Have put out on EOI on my 1993 R32 VSpec if anyone is interested. Thx http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/455751-eoi-for-sale-or-trade-1993-r32-gtr-vspec/
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