Ok thanks PAL, So i guess its a case of try this and try that.
I'll give it a try, But if there's anyone out there that has done a manual conversion on an r34 and knows exactlly what is needed your info would much be appreciated.
Got my box!(r33sII) A step closer to a manual conversion.
Are the tail shafts the same length for a manual r33sII and an r34 one?.
i know the wheel base of a 33 is longer than the 34
So which do i get?.. an r33 tailsaft or an r34?.
what mods are involved if i get the 33 shaft?
Got my box!(r33sII) A step closer to a manual conversion.
Are the tail shafts the same length for a manual r33sII and an r34 one?.
i know the wheel base of a 33 is longer than the 34
So which do i get?.. an r33 tailsaft or an r34?.
what mods are involved if i get the 33 shaft?
interested if it comes with complete conversion kit.
Pedal box
Tail shaft
Slave/Master cylinder (hydraulic pipes)
and so on..
Where abouts are you located btw?
i got more power then that with the same conbination too stan, just with diff turbo...
the Haltech sounds the goods but im still not convined will it work properly with tiptronic or D for that matter
spootted a very nice bayside blue 34 GTR on cabra rd at 350ish pm....very lovely, plates were fre29t?...i think that was on a s15 before...it was rolling on volk GT-C gold centre~!..BeauT!