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Everything posted by E_Lu-SHuN

  1. Hey i see that r33 |Y| any1 in the forum own it?...wots done to it?
  2. spotted a black 34 gtt with no rear bar and front bar..."OOPPZZ", i fink that was the plates
  3. hahahahahaha funny thread
  4. so i can find the serial number between the comp and turb housing/
  5. ok kool, now i know that i got a gt35r, but im still not sure about my a/r of the turbine
  6. is it? do u have any other pics of the gt35r? cos the mechanic said that my turbo is a 3540. is that the hks turbo equivilent to the gt35r?
  7. sorry to hijack the threaad, but i took a pic of my gt30 when i told a mechanic it was a gt30, he said it wasnt, he said it was bigger then a gt30...so im lost. does ur one look like this inasnt?
  8. yea its that bolt... but it aiint the threads on the turbo, its on the engine.. thanks alot
  9. i'll buy it off u if u dont want it
  10. hi, i was working on an sr20 today and noticed that there was a leak coming from the bolt that feeds oil to the turbo so i un-done the bolt and noticed it was all threaded and wasnt in straight. My problem is, that the bolt itself isnt threaded but the threads on the block is gOoooOone!.. Wat can i do??... can u simply somehow re-thread it?
  11. hahahA a whole 30 mins stoopid Centery batteries
  12. Mine has bewen done too, satisfactory, at least i can open my two rear passenger windows, lol. HAHAHAH and my stoopid battery died out on me while robert was doing my tint
  13. grab'd my interest.. but one thing i need to know is, and i've posted this up once b4. Can u drift using an auto/tipronic g/box?.. i'm interested in doin` the track but more liking to drift. If so would there be someone there to show me how to do so with the auto?.. Oh and another thing.. the car lags! Hits boost bout 4000rpm, is that a problem? thanks
  14. haha yea it was th s700i..
  15. The line who got left behind.
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