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Everything posted by _Ryan_

  1. rocker gaskets try nissan? s2 r33 gasket SHOULD be the same... CV boots i would also like to know
  2. corrected, that is for a s1 rs4
  3. Standard: 2.9/3.1 165/175 Tein: 3.1/3.8 6.8% 22% Nismo: 3.8/4.4 31% 42% they are the rates, you can get teins from access autoworks on here, i trust them, have been to there store, no probs. or nismo's from nengun or RHDjapan. the whiteline group buy springs on here are just 34gtr front 32gtr rear
  4. yer, cant trust anyone... i did buisness with someone on here who alot of people trust, and i am still waiting on approx 230$ refund
  5. pretty sure 4200k is a nice white? colour is measured in degress kalvin i am pretty sure, and sunlight is in the 4k region. IIRC.
  6. and tyre pressures... i get a front end vibe if they are 3-4psi out
  7. 8/97 FTW did economey improve?
  8. i personally would see trent at status for emu tuning. (URAS on here) Nick, are yours and Duncans' cars autos? -Ryan
  9. my informeter works
  10. my parents place on streetview had me still living there, and on google earth/sattelite the photos are even older, almost a year old, as i was driving the datto and had no stag, as seen in my parents front(car)yard
  11. mine will be up for sale soon
  12. sell it too nz and sue for the difference? Or make them buy it back and do if themselves? They already lost my buisness so the more the word spreads the better. They also f**ked around a friend of mine. When will you start legal procesidings?
  13. pm tangles. He did it in his stag, don't know how it will affect the roadworthyness of the vehicle though.
  14. _Ryan_

    Need Help

    if all else fails I'll lend a hand. Unemployed and don't drink so will take equivelent value in cash Ratchet spanners ftw
  15. mine looks stock and was made locally... i will try and remember to take a photo tomrorow. will sell exhaust seperatly when i sell the car if wanted...
  16. duncan, can u set that up with an ecu with a flatshift feature/clutch switch?
  17. paid around that, full timing kit, water pump, fuel filter etc. think it was only with them overnight. Went to Nissco in bayswater, Randy is the only man to touch my cars and my familys. 9761 4743, 2halbert rd, bayswater www.nissco.com.au Ryan sent ya and he'll look after you! -Ryan
  18. mine looks stock, will take tomorrow
  19. i'm third floor, and i can hear it start/idle very faintly when my mrs starts it... i would guess it being just on legal tho. if you want it OP, let me know
  20. custom 3" catback with mild mid muffler and stainless magnaflow oval rear... best daily driver exhaust possible... which will be sold from my car when i sell my car, as the sooner i go back to a standard exhaust the sooner i stop getting nasty looks from neighbours in my apartment block lol.
  21. good man, moved out now hows the beast and yourself? turns out mine was larger, i got in contact with Luke, got a bolt, but tomorrow will tell if mine has been tapped out in the past, hopefully i can get the one in it matched somewhere tomorrow... fingers crossed. Ryan
  22. i use an apex'i un-oiled filter... pipercross and k&n are oiled. i still clean my AFM atleast twice per year, pretty much when ever i am giving the car a check over, if shes cold, i'll clean it.
  23. keep in mind the stagea's driveline's limits are lower....
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