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Everything posted by _Ryan_

  1. Leg space might be an issue, the GTResque seats sit lower, and no sunroof, so headspace should be okay.
  2. Our country needs to throw out the current governments and start again IMO. I'm down for peaceful protests. this place is fkd. What ever happened to a government working FOR the people?
  3. Please measure suspension ride height from the centre of the wheel to the guard(eye-brow height), this allows for the variables of owners wheel/tyre combos.
  4. Government/Courts/Politicians are the issue with crims getting off lightly, the police catch them, yet the laws aren't harsh enough, can hardly blame the police. I personally would be reporting everything that happens so it is all on record, even if no action is taken at this stage. If your workplace is added to the patrol route, and he is a dealer, he will move on. Then again, if he is a dealer acting the way he is, it does not sound like he will last long anyway.
  5. only saw it now too. gimmi a few weeks and i might throw something together. propper cruise. feel free to have little meets inbetween, but once i get around to servicing my car(almost due) i will organize a cruise. never get to drive it anymore.
  6. I've been umming and arring about getting a bike for the past year, and seriously weighing it up for the past few months. Cars dont do it for me anymore. Was this your first bike?
  7. 5000+ per day last time i checked. insane
  8. brick or tilt tray ,if they want it they will take it. or do the nissan window entry. well installed alarm and insurance ftw
  9. yes
  10. I also seek an answer to this.
  11. Slight issue, no money in it for vic gov taxes... fkn polititions.
  12. want a series 1 or 2? which state are you in? i am selling a series 1 for much less than that.(only gets driven to work by the mrs these days, so i want to get a cheap hatch, and sell my 32 for a bike when i cbf)
  13. that bakery has been based in malvern for the past year or so... might blow the cobwebs out if i remember.
  14. just saw this now, owned.
  15. i want one... tried beninca?
  16. I am hoping it gets cancelled for good. People need to learn acting in an uncivilised manner does not get them the result they want- Like a child with a tantrum, there are right and wrong ways to protest, and would you want to be at an event surrounded by people of this calibre? Motoravate Melbourne brought things to peoples attention in a good way, this could of potentially ruined it.
  17. un-reg'd etc?
  18. I'm a bit further out than you and i cbf due to the long waits. Try stkilda rd and carlislie st or whatever it is.
  19. few r31's, couple of datsuns, r32. stagea was planned. mods to stagea and L series datto was planned, rest was impluse. oops
  20. So if all you get out of uni is to jump the bottom few rungs in the workforce, but these same rungs skipped could of been worked up in the time spent at uni, is it worth it?(depending on the industry) further making my point, where a diploma done in a year might give you enough of the foundations and what you learn on the job does the rest? On a more serious/dire/urgent note- WHERE CAN I GET DECENT BUT NOT CRAZY PRICED DUCK IN SOUTHGATE?
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. _Ryan_

    Who Got Hailed?

    ~25 windows in my 13apartment block broken. Stagea got a dint 1cm from the sunroof before i got it under cover, i consider myself lucky. My head copped it on my stag moving mission. I have photos of a rather icey front yard and street. The trees in my area lost a lot of leaves, streets are covered.
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