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Everything posted by _Ryan_

  1. good for skid rims and thats it... tri-spoke with dish sometimes go for a bit more, but aren't really in "fashion"
  2. Is that Andrew Richmond? is that Snowman in the R36 Passat Wagon which is AWD? few typos today, but hey, its a volunteer not for profit car club, can't complain!
  3. Stagea ABS was shit with shit tyres and pads. Good rubber and good pads, and on the rare occasions it ABS's(emergency situations), it works sensationally....
  4. i used to run their 100RON ethanol blend when i was heading out to nissco frequently in my partners supra, my 1600 and my r31, cost less than 98 and they ran great! pity it isnt at all servo's though
  5. Can i request grouping now Ryan C Matthew R (Entered today) Roman P Mohammed T John R (if he enters and confirms) Phil M(if he enters and confirms)
  6. 3071 with ITB's would be awesome IMO... Why not a NisTune board instead of a standalone ECU?
  7. search function is shit, just use the one at the bottom of each forums page(bottom left of suspension index page for example) or go through page and cntrl+F and put in a keyword
  8. http://www.nistune.com/ Best option for a street RB20 IMO(And many others!) Factory knock management is a plus.
  9. Shocks won't last long or feel nice with lowered springs. Tein S Tech springs(300) with Bilstein shocks(1100). Whiteline camber kits(220 front, rear get a quote or check online ). If you want to spend more, look at Eibach springs, Bilstein shocks valved to suit(SydneyKid on here might be able to organise it)with the threaded height adjustable spring perch aswell seriously, look through the first few pages or do a search, there is a thread on both of your questions multiple times a week. Cheap coilovers are shit. Higher end coilovers dont suit our roads. Dont forget castor adjustment, rear radius rod/traction arm(noltec whiteline is the suggested kit) pineapples and add swaybars to your list at somepoint. Aim for this ride height: Front 350mm Rear: 340mm here is an alignment to start with: Front: 2mm total Toe out +6deg Castor -1 to -2deg camber Rear -1mm total toe in -1.5deg camber Adjustable replacement bushes are recommended on street cars due to the fact they are legal, they last, and require minimal maintenance.(lube 1-2 times per year). I even tried to make a reference thread for R32's, search topics made by me EDIT: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/co...ts-t276135.html -Ryan
  10. shift kits are very worth while... TJ has had his trans built by RVO, i have had maintenance done by them, seem like a good bunch. My knox autos shift kit is great, but dont rate them as a workshop is 180sx ABS any good anyway? AASA form: Club_Racing_License_Application.pdf
  11. DECA wangs for those who wanted to see
  12. i will be bringing stockies just incase there is free time on the skidpan in the arvo
  13. Hey mate, one of these kits will get you ~ -2deg http://www.whiteline.com.au/product_detail...t_number=KCA336 if you require -4 buy two kits! Expect to pay ~220 trade price. I have this kit and mono flex on my GTST.
  14. Near scoresby and boronia rds? checked out a stag there, wasnt a fan
  15. No leaks, no belts(tyres), yes belts(or harness), secure panels, fire extinguisher... if its race worthy, it should be fine. This is what i gathered from the cars i saw there, the scrutineer should post at some point
  16. Caldina did... come down, have fun... sweet... will use one form is faxed, will pay when i get home tonight!
  17. C34 is that era, M35 was newer than that... a 2WD would be possible with custom work..... Import a G35 from the states, AWD if they make them, then import a matching M35 from japan.
  18. Ash is on the money...
  19. Want response? Drop an 8 in it, ITBs, and enjoy... i miss my datto NA= response... turbo = cheaper to increase power.
  20. Food at skyhigh is shit. Eat here http://www.ranges.com.au/ (dinner) or here http://www.wildoak.com.au/ Lunch is good at Kallista tea rooms(as is brekky) Kallista Tea Rooms 103 Monbulk Rd Kallista VIC 3791 (03) 9755 2659‎ Brekky from the B&B you stay at.... RACV site lists heaps... budget 450ish for two nights, you want a self contained cottage with spa and log fire. If needed I can suggest accommodation too
  21. www.ozdat.com www.datnet.org
  22. NCCA http://www.nissancarclub.org.au/Events/ Prob the most dirt involved club in vic. Randy at Nissco www.nissco.com.au is involved in prepping rally cars if you need a hand getting your car sorted...
  23. I got mine here http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ge...as-t172861.html
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