get some RB74's from racebrakes, should be under 350 for both ends together, have more feel than the endless SSS!(only other option for a decent pad, and exchange rate has made them pretty expensive)
i paid 300 for my castor bushes, and both end camber kits to be installed... 80-100 for alignment....
i got bushes at trade price, cant find the receipt tho
but i have no rust and my car is stiffer and older, and driven harder i recon... rust is caused by oxidization, maybe bad treatment from factory, or from a snowy area, being a stag
RSPCA website
Lort Smith Animal Hospital website....
prob a couple of lab x or staffy x lab type things there right now, i know LSAH has a 3yp lab, and a young looking lab x staffy
MyStag260 got a racepace custom job, They are highly reccomended, he could make one on another stag and courier it over EPA legal and flowy, alot of RnD