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Everything posted by _Ryan_

  1. my standard bushbearing turbo is over 111,000km old, so they cant be that bad!
  2. I used Micolour in cheltenham when i got swiped in traffic(paint work). Top job, everyone in SAU-Vic uses Mick, and club members might get a discount???
  3. ask me tomorrow night, fitting mine then(justjap) guessing you already cut your tray?
  4. the front and rear suspension design's are different, hence the neg camber increase only on the rear when lowering...
  5. Standard: 2.9/3.1 165/175 Tein springs: 3.1/3.8 6.8% 22% Nismo S-Type: 3.8/4.4 31% 42% Tein wagon coilovers are 4k/4k
  6. alrighty, there is a UK GTR-ownersclub(GTROC???) forum, ask who they reccomend for alignments in your area... cheers
  7. i was told by matt they were 34gtt/gtr front, 32gtr rear... Tein make a similar rate spring designed for the stagea, not just 'made to fit', and can be found through access autoworks, a sponser on here, for similar money.
  8. would clearing the codes now you have changed the bits make a difference?
  9. Castor- Positive is how far forward from the axle centre line the wheel is being pulled(so closer to the front of the guard), Negative is the reverse. Camber- Is the angle of the wheel, eg, top of the wheel tilted towards the vehicle is negative camber, top away from the vehicle is negative camber Toe- is the wheel being pointed in or out(towards/away) from the middle of the car(best explanation i can give without waving my hands around ) for rear camber- i am guessing 9'o'clock on the left and 3 on the right? castor will increase steering feel, other than that you can get a valve changed in your power steering but we will leave that for another time i run ~5deg +ve castor, which is the max on the adjustable bushes i have. Where are you located?
  10. _Ryan_

    Bp Ultimate

    i found it didnt like as much timing in the datto, and it ran crappy, and stagea feels like arse on it, mrs's old supra did too... datto's head gasket went on shell, only fuel friends have done head gaskets on is shell, so i will follow my theory that you may think is silly, and i will say i dont like it!
  11. sweeeeet i am waiting til my joints go then haha
  12. hey mate where are you located? lots of us can reccommend good places!!! i personally would be going back and saying put it how it was when you drove in and give you your money back... i just go too one of three rather decent places here in melb(all over the place too) and tell them to align it how they would a street gtr, bit of neg alround, max +ive castor, think a little toe in on the rear. been a while.
  13. www.apsjobs.gov.au government job search engine, they rather you work for them than they pay you for not working
  14. i am taking my 34SMIC off on saturday to make way for further mods(including FMIC)... I also have the 34 Shroud to go with it, with it fitted, I found i got less heat soak, and the engine revved alot more smoothly/freely. The bonus is it is undetectable. Let me know if you would like it via PM! -Ryan
  15. _Ryan_

    Bp Ultimate

    i rather walk than use shell!!!
  16. _Ryan_

    Mystery Switch

    removed before import/compliance makes sense... but heres hoping its NOT a high boost or 2WD button
  17. if its ipod compatible with the external black box i have from another JVC unit, PM me...
  18. slide has them for a decent price
  19. take it down to M.V. Automatics and see what they say...
  20. all manuals are fork, all autos are eye
  21. how about GOR with lunch in apollo bay? do it on the saturday... date to be confirmed, make sure it isnt near any long weekends or anything
  22. _Ryan_

    Bp Ultimate

    BP on high st mavern between tooronga and glenferrie is normally fine
  23. just jap should have the exhuast to suit, blooday quick delivery too! www.justjap.com
  24. standard booster/master/lines okay?
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