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Shaydsta R34

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  • Car(s)
    R34 GT-T
  • Real Name
    Shaydan Penniment

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  1. The stock Fuel pump was fine, And yeh you're right about it being external, but you can still use them internally. The FPR has arrived but not fitted and it's still 50/50, c-red and hyperdrive told me over the phone that i have wasted my money because it's not needed, and others say i need it. I'm not sure if the FPR is related to the hesitation when in 4th and 5th.
  2. Hey people, I'm doing a turbo upgrade on my R34 GT-T, and before i have put new turbo and stuff on, my mate installed a bosch 044 fuel pump yesterday. Now as i have never done this before i'm not sure what to expect. So symptoms that have occurred since the installation ; i) On the highway in 4th and 5th gear, if i put my foot down there is a delay of about half a second before the car will accelerate. ii) Even after "priming" the fuel pump (switching to 'on' so the fuel pump builds pressure), it still takes a bit to get started (turns over for a bit then sickly comes to life) iii) This morning i "primed" it, waited for the fuel pump to stop pumping, then turned over the engine, it kept turning over but wouldn't start, so i tried again straight after and this time, once again, it came to life, but very sickly, it ran rough, felt like a cylinder wasn't firing. i then let it idle at around 2000rpm, and all went back to normal after a few seconds. Now I'm getting told different things, Some people say it's the fuel pressure reg, and others say it needs to be earthed to the chassis and not use the existing wires. As far as i know, the filter sock reaches the bottom (so my mate says), so i'm not sure what the problem could be. This is the first time i have touched the fuel line on any car so i'm a bit of a virgin to it. I'm not sure if this will impact it, but when i was driving to go get the new pump installed, i was cruising along the highway at around 2.5k rpm, and the car hesitated for a second (lost power, but only for a second), engine light came on, then went back to normal and engine light went off. List of engine/exhaust modifications are: Superspark coils, 0.8mm gap plugs 3" to 80mm exhaust, no cat (still waiting for one that fits) Pod filter with standard AFM and that's about it that i think could effect it. I have an AEM tru boost, but was only running stock boost when this happened. Thank you in advance for anyone who can help. Shaydan
  3. Hi there, After changing my spark plugs and coils, and putting it all back together, i turned the car on and it was kind of lightly shuddering. All lights were on (ABS,Air bag,TCS off, Slip and engine light), at one stage there was the smell of fuel. these lights stay on, and i haven't had this before. Please help as this is my everyday car. I'm not to keen on driving it to a garage as the closest one is about 50kms away. I have an R34 With rb25det neo. I have a feeling it's coils.
  4. When i had my soarers i used the oven trick to clean the inside of my lights after cleaning the outside. Now With my R34 i have to do the same. I have cleaned the outside with a product i'm sure most of you have heard, it's called glassylite, and is available from Auto 1 for usually $40. But unfortunately even though i did get most of the oxidisation off, there was still quite a bit of yellow inside the light. So back to the oven it is, although i'm not that keen as last time i didn't seal the light properly and it leaked. And the price of these Xenon lights.. i really don't want to stuff it up...
  5. Hi all, after owning two Toyota Soarers, I have now jumped the fence and have bought a car i've wanted since i was 9. I've got a white 1998 GT-T R34, it's practically stock. which is good because i have some good plans for it. Cheers!
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