Unfortunately I have had an issue with the turbo this seller has advertised. I bought if for $680 after inquiring as to the overall condition and shaft play. I was assured it had minimal (less than 2mm) shaft play and was in good working condition through phone conversations and PMs.
Two workshops have inspected the turbo and advised that it has over 4-5mm of play in the shaft and the bearings are completely ruined. It is not in good working condition and cannot be used in its current state. As a result I am getting the turbo rebuilt at a cost of over $700.
I contacted the seller and advised him I was seeking compensation as the turbo was not in the condition described by him. He has refused to discuss any type of compensation. I was seeking $200 which I believe is entirely reasonable since I paid $680 for a turbo that cannot be used.
I have contacted SAU administrators and have been advised to post this in the original sale thread.