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Everything posted by strydes

  1. great idea mate, would be keen to see some testing done, if i had an aux in adapter already i'd get you to test it on mine. i think what chris means by 'spits out' is what will come out of the aux plug on the psp, so will it send audio only via aux or video too, as this would mean it could plug into the stock screen as a bit of a mobile-media centre.
  2. I believe if you get one with the factory screen but not reversing camera you can buy an adapter that feeds into that input and will net you the normal red/white/yellow input plugs. I dont have a screen so never bothered investigating. There is also the ipod adapter that plugs into the stereo (not screen) so maybe just plain aux is an option on the same input. Obviously Chris is the man to speak to on the details of this. Personally, I really like the factory bose stereo from a sound quality perspective, but i'm not into windows down, stereo up cruising trying to get some attention, so horses for courses. Only wish it was MP3 and bluetooth enabled but ah well. Also I understand when the CD player goes on them many people have had to change to aftermarket just because its not economical to fix. I also hear rumour this issue with the stereo is fixed with the series 2's so maybe I will never have my hand forced in this regard.
  3. i would like to know peoples views on the use of spacers also, i'm a little unsure about them in both bolt on and slip on form. i have the factory option 19's (i think 8 and 8.5 inch wide F&R) and like the wheels but as with all factory wheels they would look a lot better if they were stepped out a bit. i once saw a 34 GTR with the stock wheels but with 25mm bolt on spacers and the right suspension height they just looked absolutely perfect so thats my inspiration.
  4. Well it's settled then, ipod adapter is next on the list, once you have had it... so very hard to go back to CD's. The question is if fixing the HID's or cruise control (with factory buttons of course) should come after it. Bring on K-Rudd's cash and i'll pump it straight back into the economy (read: Chris's pocket) I could of sworn I upgraded from the 33 so my car wouldn't be a moneypit any more!
  5. Hey Chris is this a DIY job for average skill level (was able to put in the band expander you provided no problem). Also, is there any display on the deck as far as artist or album as the G35 guys have been able to do or is this on the US units only. Seems like to could be a challenge if you can only control the ipod from the stereo but can't see where you are up to when scrolling.
  6. nope. the american g35's did (maybe premium only, but regardless, very common) but v35's didnt apart from the very rare speed-sensing cruise control but i think that was sedan only.
  7. mate I am in Perth and a call like that about not getting one under $40K is rubbish. I got private sale 2 weeks ago a white coupe, 16000 kms (i believe genuine, not one sign of wear anywhere and still smell the leather), manual, series 2, premium, sunroof and optional 19" rims and that was a lot closer to $30k than $40k. have a look around locally at private sales, its buyers market. happy to take you for a spin too if you are interested in anything since you are a local fella.
  8. Digging up an old thread here but this was really helpful to me when I was researching insurance so i thought it only fair to share my experiences also... 25yo male with perfect driving record, garaged in Belmont WA, manual, coupe 350GT insured for $36K paying $1040 with Lumleys and excess of $500. As a comparison my 33 insured for $17K was $1160... amazing that this car is more than double the value but is cheaper, different ownership demographic I guess.
  9. Thanks for the kind words guys... I 100% agree about the handbreak, bit lazy of Nissan in my opinion. Thanks for the link for the dash removal too g33k... I also found this one last night after posting (its auto but close enough) in case anyone else is searching in future: http://g35driver.com/forums/audio-video-el...sirius-sat.html and another new question... what is the 'DISP' button for on the stereo, the one next to CD..MD..AM/FM buttons? I assume it means 'display' but it doesnt do anything. Oh and Chris, could you let me know how the fm expander parts go together, I can definitely hazzard a guess and I'm sure it will be more obvious when I get it all apart but probably better to know for sure prior.
  10. Hi all, Picked up my v35 yesterday and after 5 years of r33 ownership was definitely ready for the change. I have wanted one for the last year and after Pulp was nice enough to give me a lap around the block in his about 6 months ago it has had to be a manual. I was expecting I would have to import but was lucky enough to find exactly what I wanted here in Perth... a white november 04 coupe, 6 speed, premium and sunroof with the optional 19s. Is in sensational condition as you would hope with only 16,000kms on the clock. I am thinking it has what is considered the 2005 upgrade as it has the alloy centre console and is missing the brembos... which was never a big draw card for me anyway. Also has a minidisc not tape slot which I guess was part of the changes, no idea what else there was though. So, onto the questions... I have already bought (and had delivered incredibly quickly, thank you) an FM expander from Chris Rogers and swear in the last year of browsing saw either here or g35 driver an instruction set on taking apart the dash with some photos too. I can't seem to find it now so if anyone knows where I can find it that would be super. Next, with the rubbish aussie dollar does anyone have any suggestions on the best place to get clear bumper indicators at the moment? Nissan? OS? Finally, HIDs... I may need to let the bank account recover a little first but assuming the worst with butchering at compliance, what sort of cash are we looking at to pick up the required factory parts to get em happening. Anyway few first night pics attached, needs a good clean and some better photos but all in good time. Cheers!
  11. thanks chook! i am assuming that is privacy glass and sunroof but what is the other one at the top 'CLAS8'? also, any chance of getting a tip off on how to acquire a version of the one that will show my model, pm if needs be.
  12. Hi All, Just installed it only to then read back 2 pages to see it only goes to 01 so won't find my V35 anyway. At least I can see my old 33! Would someone with the new version mind doing this one: CPV35-600363 Thanks.
  13. no sorry. pics now added of seats in original post. no rips, holes etc and barely any signs of wear even on drivers side bolster.
  14. buyer has fallen through. therefore... back on the market.
  15. unit is in perfect working condition. however, it is currently sold pending payment (inc hand controller).
  16. would prefer not to seperate, however, if someone else is interested in the hand controller only, then i'm sure we could work something out!
  17. For Sale: R33 GTSt PowerFC and Hand Controller RB25 model. Perfect working order with tune for usual mods, standard turbo, aus-spec 98RON. unsure of actual age, but was unused for over 1 year and fitted for 4 months, taken out in december. asking price: $1200 delivered to your door in Aus. SOLD R33 GTSt Series 1 Front Seats Mint condition, no tears, cig burns etc. Comes with rails. asking price: $150 plus delivery. items located in perth, pickup ok, COD ok. SOLD pics now added.
  18. brand new, unused, was ready if i needed it but injectors only got to 82%, ripper. nengun are doing them for $152 delivered so i will do about the same. $150 to your door anywhere in aus. difference being it will arrive in 4 days not 4 weeks. pm if interested. SOLD
  19. well if it isn't my 'coolers old owner! mate i will definately let you know how i go on monday, maybe send through a dyno sheet depending on how it turns out back on topic though, fEkuaR, i think most here would agree that if your side mount is an ARC unit, it should be good for at least 220, up to maybe even 240rwkw, so if your going to stay in that range, keep it.
  20. if discussing the significance of the location, i would imagine it would have similar airflow either way. in looking at the primary objectives of an intercooler it is to a) cool the air whilst b) providing as little pressure drop as possible. for a) a sidemount should comfortably cool pressurised air within a boost range up to around 13-15 psi and for b) as long as the piping is all smooth and the core and end tanks of good quality, will flow well and have equal pressure drop than a similar quality front mount. the major difference i think is that a front mount (and it's associated piping) have much greater volume which is excellent for large volumes of air eg. lots of boost, but with a fairly mildly modified gts-t, this can be a negative as it will take longer to fill and therefore affect response negatively.
  21. i think that your power aspirations are a key factor in SMIC vs FMIC. personally, i am looking at around 200rwkw, with an emphasis on response which i believe will be well within the range of my trust cooler. furthermore, i'm hoping to do that with as little boost as possible, but we shall see digging through the memory archives, SydneyKid did a comparison some time ago where he upgraded his stagea sidemount to an R34 sidemount and was able to generally work out the extra volume and flow requirements for his power goals, and i tried to apply the same formula to my new trust one from the standard one and worked out that assuming at least the same flow rate across the core from old to new, it would be conservatively capable of up to 220rwkw, well within my requirements.
  22. i'm not sure about the arc but I have a trust sidemount and it seems to be really good (piccy attached). i will find out for sure on monday when my power fc goes in and gets tuned i am looking at a similar level of modification and power as yourself and am hoping i wont need to go frontmount, as I like my unmolested front bar. current mods are usual fuel pump, full exhaust, pod, avc-r, fuel pressure reg, as well as also having full custom aluminium cooler piping, just to try to maximise the flow. are you chasing information on the unit or do you want to buy one?
  23. hrmmm..... yeh ok.
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