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Everything posted by terrance2004
hahaha please, dont even try to quote popular literature. you cant even do so correctly was he not willing to a dam? a dam of what? water? danJam, your insults are weak as piss a 12 yr old can muster a much more clever response. you're as useless as your rice mods please, drink some bleach so that the world may be rid of your pathetic existance
no dispshit, i'm not back on this board. you're the loser who posts every day get a life i havent been here in 6 months been too busy f*cking your mother maybe you can take your 32 wheels off your 31, use the money to buy drugs, hire out a hooker (i recommend your mum, very cheap) just get off the message board do something with your sad pathetic life. who? you're dad? i dont even get this argument if someone were to have an obsession over poo or brown gtr's, would that make them a top bloke? and please, learn how to spell your own name correctly. top bloke is with an "O" not an "E" tell you what does make someone a top bloke when they enjoy deep throating c0cks and taking it up the ass much like yourself, poofter head.
cool, man. whatever helps you. even if it's something stretching your asshole. you must really like the feeling eh? . . . WARNING If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this is useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all who claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think everything you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told you should want? Get out of your house. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned
dont YOU get it? you're a poofter head. And it's no that you dont want to think of a comeback you plain and simply cant. there are smarter rocks out there perhaps if you spent less time masturbating over dwarf porn, you could manage a comeback a little more sophisticated than "pfft"
denJam, you tub of goo you. i'm sure many people know you care a great deal about my posts. why, i've made your blood boil so much in the past you've threatened to "hunt me down". please, dont try to take the high road. it's not in the character of a whiny chubby bitch like yourself. you're better off clicking your favourite IGNORE button and running away like a little bitch. you cant think of anything to reply to me anyway, may as well ignore me altogether. dig your head in the sand and while you're at it, clean the sand out of your vagina. then go to the kitchen, slit your wrists, get in your car and then your precious baby blue interior can be red instead.
lol i think a wood grain kind of brown would be good.
hahahahahahahaa i dont get it. i see why, you're not funny, ash. you're a top bloke. and a sheep to boot. i'll tell you what is funny to me though. you queefs still going to this f*cking message board. get a life. or, you could go f*ck your mother till i insult you until then don't even think you're worthy to flame me. you're nothing. your life is nothing. compare your life to mine, then kill yourself. jamezilla seems to be the only intelligent one out of you lot. sad... although, i am dissapointed that he took th brown gtr joke literally. everyone with half a brain knows brown gtr's dont exist. bu i'm sure he knew that and was just f*cking with me, right?
i'm certain i started off on sau as many other members did. contributing to discussions, starting my own threads and whatnot. denJam has made me want to OD ever since the performance forums. he's a f*cking retard and of course i wouldnt hesistate informing him so. HE is the ONLY person i've flamed who didnt flame me first then gimps like whoever can't mind their own business and want a piece. horus is one. believe me, he talked trash my way before i even knew that f*cker existed. once i did, and once i realised he showed me no respect, i gave it to him. plus i loved the way he over reacts like a bitch. that shit just adds fuel to the flame that is terrance. he's a loser. he has no life and no friends. perhaps the reason he lurks around sau. so, with the board being his life, if anything on it upsets the sensitive clit that is horus, he starts crying like a bitch. sucking up to denJam and whoever. needing approval from other half wits. if you get bothered by anything you read on the internet, something is seriously wrong with you. sure you can get peeved, but if you get upset enough to wanna "hunt them down", you're a f*cking retard. i love the way he and others wanna act so "tough" too. f*cking faggots. "im gonna kick your ass! waaa waaaa" by doing so, all they're proving is that they lack the neural capacity to flame thereby forever being branded as the village idiots. banned or whatever, i dont care. i have a life. i dont need approval from a bunch of strangers like some do. and i'm not looking down on anyone here but i suggest many of you do the same. there are members of the opposite sex out there, bars to go, alcohol to consume, drugs to take, whatever. just get off the computer. and dont be such a bitch about things you read on the INTERNET coz if you do, you're a f*cking poofter. this thread is full of insults directed at horus. my post wasnt even an insult. they were just questions. but the top bloke must still be sore from the last time i posted here which was about SIX F*CKING MONTHS AGO. seriously, i hope the kid didnt lose any sleep over it. that's f*cking gay if he did and even gayer that after such a long time, he could still be upset. what a bloody top bloke. but hey, thanks wardest. first for coming at me with sincere questions, without any hostility whatsoever. and second for opening my eyes. horus, you're a poof. But it's a good thing. because i realise you're too easy to enrage. it's almost like shooting fish in a barrell. and thats just no fun. dont be such a sensitive clit, kid. good luck with school. say "hi" to your parents for me. and good luck wit the rex. seriously, i'd choose a rex over a gts-t any day of the week. good work.
hahahaha i didnt even say anything to this sensitive poofter head some things will never change... seriously, lock yourself in your house because you know what? there are people out there who dont like you and disagree with you ooooooooooooooohhhhhhh *twilight zone music* get a life http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...hlight=terrance
and you can enjoy your dad's ****, top bloke. let me school you on a couple of things. -LAME is what i would describe someone whos best comeback consists of "pffft". -PATHETIC is what i would describe someone who cant think of any flames and has to use recycled flames that were once directed at him. -SHIT is what your dad makes you eat while you suck on his asshole. after all this time, still no respect. havent you learnt by now? fear and respect me, **** hole. dont think im not watching and havent been watching. and dont cry to a mod. you brought me back, top bloke. now deal with it.
alright champ. time for sleep. some people have work in the morning i'll be watching you so dont be a poofter head sweet dreams you hott stud.
whoa whoa whoa. dont over do it now. how many of your brain cells do you think you used up there? all of em? meanwhile, im sure......*denjam goes and cries to a mod*
wrx huh? fist it was 34, then 33. what happened? grades not high enough? you know, deep down in my heart i always knew you wouldn't get a gtr. just goes to show that i, the mighty terrance, am always correct and you, you are what you are.
jesus christ denjam. after all this time you still sound like a whining bitch. it's probably due to the fact that your old man still rams you up the ass on a regular basis. perhaps it's about time you ask him to stop. his semen is leaking into your brain and the effects are beginning to show. wait... you've always been like this. what am i talking about? and please denjam, if you're going to try and flame, dont use one of those old recycled flames we gave you at the performance forums