R-SPEC, Hopefully only once! My fiance isn't the typ of old fashion cars and she loves skylines and cos this wedding is abit controlled by our families (they are a bit traditional) we would like to have wedding something that we can remember on the day that we organised for a bit of fun as well.
blaq.boi - wow, your car looks good dude. I hope u dont mind helping out! =)
r33joker - welcome to the forums man, it''ll be great if you can help out for the wedding with your car. Can u send the pixs to [email protected] thanks dude!
do-luck - Your car is from protek isn't it? I think i've seen your car around. Anyway how much does a final inspection detail cost?
Yup, thats the one. He parked right next to me in Footscray and trying to look tough taking his mum shopping hahahaha.
I'll try get some snaps of his car if I see him around Footscray.
the car is fully riced!