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Everything posted by sammi_d

  1. Bahaha!! It'll be the perfect time to shout out "do a flip"! LOL @Redline_GTR
  2. I imagine double demerits would still be on... I'm not sure about getting my car on this either, HOWEVER, if there are a few of us, I might come down for the chance to nap some photos at the very least! @OZ GTR35 How would you feel about me posting this on the SAUNSW website and social media? Might drag in a few more skylines/members that way? It'd definitely make @crashdown happy to get a track event on our calendar!
  3. That would be my guess - maybe the injunction(?) might be on the old owners, so having new owners will allow for a clean slate?
  5. Photos are now live on both our Facebook and website! 😁
  6. The time has come, once again, for us to celebrate all things GTR! Motive DVD's GT-R FESTIVAL for 2023 is fast approaching, and we couldn't be more excited to be part of this awesome event once again! As usual, SAU NSW will be be part of the event, with our traditional club display on the day! If you would like to be part of it, firstly, you'll need to make sure you secure your Display Entry into the show via the below link by Motive Video: https://gtrfestival.bigcartel.com/ Other tickets are also available, ie. VIP Entry or Drag Entry, for you to also choose from. Once you have your ticket locked in, make sure to send us a PM via Facebook so we can add you to our list of display cars! When you message us, we will gather some more details from you to make sure we can spot you on the day, and guide you to the right place! If you'd like more information regarding the day, please refer to Motive DVD's event page, or, you can get in touch with us and we will help you as best as we can. As always, general details are below: Date: Saturday 3rd June 2023 Location: Sydney Dragway Time: 8.00am We look forward to seeing you all on the day! One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  7. In case you haven't already heard, Roll Racing Australia are holding their All Japan Day event at Sydney Motorsport Park, and SAU NSW is heading down to be a part of this awesome event! We've got members who've already entered their cars into various parts of the event, so we thought we might as make a day of it and head down together! So, first of all, the details: Date: Sunday 21st May Location: Sydney Motorsport Park Time: 8.00am to 4.30pm Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sydney+Motorsport+Park/@-33.8039321,150.8691711,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x6b129759e391234d:0xf017d68f9f335f0!8m2!3d-33.8039321!4d150.8691711!16zL20vMDg0ejVr All entries and ticket sales are to be purchased via Roll Racing Australia's website: https://rollracing.com.au/event/ajd03may2023/?fbclid=IwAR29AprMjYCW9vinR4VL2ZYC-Oi1xDTFyHUTZ3ukm04hWgP2x2JpkUQy6ZU All driver entries will park where designated, as per your ticket purchase. For those of us who enter the show and shine, please get in touch with us no later than Saturday 29th April if you would like to park with SAU NSW. We will be arranging a group display and need to provide names of those wanting to park with SAU NSW to Roll Racing Australia. This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our many track days. This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a Motorsports Australia permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  8. Yes, it is indeed that time of year again - the time has come once again for us to sit and discuss the state of our club, and any/all future possibilities! And yes, it is the perfect opportunity to sit and have a bite to eat and/or a drink with all SAU NSW members! Every wondered whether there is more to SAU NSW than just our beloved cruises? Well this is ALSO the best opportunity to quell your curiosity! We discuss everything SAU NSW from current financial position, performance of the club over the past year, the good things we did, the bad things we did, as well as the things we could do better or different! Not to mention, we talk plenty of car talk too.. After all, we're all passionate car enthusiasts! So without any ado, please save the date, and come down and get involved! When: Sunday 15th May Where: Toongabbie Sports & Bowling Club - 12 Station Road, Toongabbie Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Toongabbie+Sports+Club/@-33.784336,150.9520874,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x101c1abcab139bce!8m2!3d-33.784336!4d150.9520874 Time: Meeting will commence at 1.00pm. As usual, lunch from 12.00pm! Agenda Items: - President's Report - Treasurer's Report - 2022 Committee Elections - State of SAUNSW & moving forward - Future Events & 2022 Calendar - Further Motions & Agenda Items - Open discussion To our members who are also on the forum, if you would like to discuss any particular item, or have any ideas for the future of the club, please note it in this thread for discussion at the AGM within the NSW Members section of the forum. If you don't have access to the Members section of the forum, then get in touch with us! A note to our members: We remind you that as per constitution, nominations for committee positions close 21 days before our AGM (Saturday 23rd April). ALSO, by 23rd April, any motions must be put forward, for discussion as agenda items at our AGM. Please head over to the Member's Section of the SAU Forum to post your nominations and any items you wish to be discussed! This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our many track days. This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a CAMS permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
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  9. In case anyone has missed it, photos are now up on our Facebook and website! 😁 I hope everyone who came enjoyed the cruise! And for all those that missed out, I hope the photos teased you enough to join the next event 😜
  10. ***CRUISE CANCELLED - WE'RE HAVING A SOCIAL MEET INSTEAD*** Well gang... As you would have seen by now, we won't be going ahead with our planned cruise up Old Pac Hwy since Mother Nature isn't being fair to us with the weather... But we aren't going to let the weather damper our spirits (pun intended)! Instead of a cruise, the SAUNSW team are still committed to holding an event, so, instead we'll be heading to the Bankstown's Entertainment Park for a night of go-karting, a bite to eat, maybe a few photos and plenty of the usual laughs! So without any ado whatsoever, here are the details for you to save: Date: Saturday 29th April 2023 Meet Location: Entertainment Park - 361 Milperra Rd, Bankstown NSW 2200 Meet Time: Meet at 7:30pm Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Entertainment+Park/@-33.9289454,150.9874322,17z/data=!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x6b12be65935f0f19:0x3c6e9446b4aa3277!2s20%2F361+Milperra+Rd,+Bankstown+Aerodrome+NSW+2200!3b1!8m2!3d-33.9289499!4d150.9900071!16s%2Fg%2F11p0gkyw4h!3m5!1s0x6b12bf8cbbdaeefd:0xe0fe69afce2fbf12!8m2!3d-33.9288852!4d150.9895021!16s%2Fg%2F11h800pc1g Entertainment Park has a variety of activities for us to choose from at their venue! Just take your pick - they offer indoor go-karting, pool tables, 10-pin bowling and even a race simulator! All you have to do is head to their website and book in for a time that suits you! https://ecom.roller.app/entertainmentpark/booknow/en/products?date=2023-04-29 A simple plan, but what we'll do is meet at the same time we were planning on meeting for our cruise - at 7.30pm. From then, its a matter of picking a session for go-karting and having a race! Even if you don't want to race a go-kart, you can still come down to hang out, chat, and maybe get snapped in a photo or two (assuming the weather eases off long enough to snap some photos)... If you would like to attend or bring others along please put your name down and a +1 as numbers will be needed prior! This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our track days. This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a Motorsport Australia permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
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  11. It's back for 2023 - our first Sunday Session at Cafe at Waterview for 2023! For anyone who hasn't made it to one of our Sunday Sessions, this is a relaxed morning event where we all catch up for a coffee, maybe some breakfast, definitely a lot of chitchat, and plenty of good banter! For everyone who's already made it to one of these, you know the drill... So what are you waiting for!? Make sure you save these details so you don't miss this next event: Date: Sunday 2nd April Meet Location: Cafe at Waterview - Bicentennial Ave, Sydney Olympic Park Meet Time: Meet at 8:00am Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Café+at+Waterview/@-33.8511747,151.0790024,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x6b12a4cee4e008db:0x2be52b54ffd1d0a0!8m2!3d-33.8511747!4d151.0790024!16s%2Fg%2F11bc7t0y42?fbclid=IwAR0omEaWwF73Pl-NEB7uaJFVKKLq_9iaNkQcFH3jWAfCcdYNo7-Ob3SS9co This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our many track days. This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a Motorsports Australia permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  12. Well, folks! Now, we've gone and done it! We're bringing out a cruise destination from the SAUNSW vault that hasn't been done in almost a decade! We're heading to Burragorang Lookout! In case you're wondering, Burragorang Lookout is located near Warragamba Dam, where you'll be able to see just how far Warragamba's catchment area is! This is a fairly simple cruise, with few turns, which is also local - consider it a hidden treasure in Sydney's backyard! So without any ado, here are the details: Date: Sunday 26th March Meet Location: Red Rooster, M4, Eastern Creek (West-bound) Meet Time: Meet at 9:00am for a 9:30am departure Destination: Burragorang Lookout, Burragorang Road, Nattai Map: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Red+Rooster+Eastern+Creek,+Western+Motorway,+Eastern+Creek+Blacktown,+NSW/burragorang+lookout/Camden+Valley+Inn,+Remembrance+Drive,+Cawdor+NSW/@-34.0904265,150.693856,19.03z/data=!4m25!4m24!1m10!1m1!1s0x6ad9ecaa54cfe7eb:0xf0d37f0e2e577385!2m2!1d150.8810631!2d-33.8024081!3m4!1m2!1d150.6682046!2d-33.7740864!3s0x6b1288c9655dd753:0x424c8e2ac4a4c262!1m5!1m1!1s0x6b1251a458212e69:0xe7328e069c80f1c3!2m2!1d150.4339643!2d-34.0689178!1m5!1m1!1s0x6b12fa0dbbf01671:0xa343f8beaaafcd44!2m2!1d150.6943219!2d-34.0916495!3e0 We'll be meeting at the Red Rooster carpark at the west-bound Twin Servo's on the M4 (heading west-bound). After our usual briefing, we'll be entering onto the M4, and will continue along until we reach the Mulgoa Road exit to Penrith. At this exit, we'll turn left onto Mulgoa Road, and follow it along. After turning left onto Mulgoa Road, we'll very quickly come up to a roundabout, where we'll turn right to continue along Mulgoa Road. We'll stay on Mulgoa Road until we arrive in Wallacia, where we'll turn right onto Silverdale Road. Silverdale Road is another long stretch of road we'll be running on, until we get to another roandabout in The Oaks, where we'll turn right again on Mary Street, which later becomes Burragorang Road. We then follow this all the way until we reach the lookout. After we walk around and stretch our legs for 30 min, we'll then head to Camden Valley Inn for a bite to eat and a drink, for all of you who would love to join us. Camden Valley Inn is only a stone's throw away from Burragorang Lookout - all we do is follow Burragorang Road all the way back the way we came until we reach the Old Hume Hwy at a T-intersection. From there, we turn right onto the Old Hume, and follow it for a few short minutes until we reach Camden Valley Inn, which will be located on the right on Wire Lane. As always, there will be a lead and follow car so no one should get lost. We will be passing through some residential areas along our drive, so your best behaviour is most appreciated. If you would like to attend or bring others along please put your name down and a +1 as numbers will be needed prior! This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our track days. This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a Motorsport Australia permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  13. It's happening again!! We're kicking off another month with another coffee session. Once again, we're returning to Krispy Kreme in Penrith! How could you say 'no' to Krispy Kreme?!?! So make sure to head down to have an easy-going morning coffee and chat with the usual suspects! So now that your taste buds are tingling with excitement, make sure you save these details to avoid missing out: Date: Sunday 12th March 2023 Meet Location: Penrith Krispy Kreme (at Penrith Panthers - Panthers Place, Mulgoa Rd, Penrith) Meet Time: 8:00am Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Krispy+Kreme/@-33.758832,150.683767,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x6b128f5479e1b1d3:0x4c2bf01f2378f91!8m2!3d-33.758832!4d150.683767!16s%2Fg%2F1tgb_y1y This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our many track days. This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a Motorsports Australia permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  14. Photos are online now! Make sure you check them out!! https://www.saunsw.com.au/gallery/february-2023-sunday-session-benzin The pics are also posted on our facebook! 😁
  15. The good thing is that the weather looks like it will hold off for us too!!
  16. 100% man!!! I'm praying for good weather too!!
  17. Oooo.... This is tempting!
  18. Howdy All! Its finally back - we're heading south to our favourite cafe for an awesome brekkie! Yes, that's right... we're heading down to Austi Beach Cafe for a breakfast run through the Royal National Park! Before you drool over your phones/keyboards, here are the details: Date: Sunday 26th February Meet Location: Loftus Oval Carpark, Royal National Park, Sutherland Meet Time: Meet at 7:00am for a 7:30am departure Destination: Austi Beach Cafe, 104 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Austinmer Map: https://www.google.com.au/maps/dir/Loftus+Oval+Car+Park,+Loftus+NSW/Austi+Beach+Cafe/@-34.1738001,150.9405599,11z/data=!4m26!4m25!1m15!1m1!1s0x6b12c73fe6b7c2f3:0xfdae04950539a2c9!2m2!1d151.0511936!2d-34.0510478!3m4!1m2!1d151.0569107!2d-34.064679!3s0x6b12c6d02f0aa243:0x13017d67e5b371c0!3m4!1m2!1d151.057125!2d-34.0683633!3s0x6b12c6cf305c716f:0xfc8256d9ae0af09d!1m5!1m1!1s0x6b12e01e4f4ffc25:0x82b1b85b64816544!2m2!1d150.9342217!2d-34.3066264!2m1!1b1!3e0?hl=en-GB&authuser=0 RSVP: If you are planning to sit and have breakfast with us, please let us know, either by posting in the event, or by messaging us direct so we can confirm numbers with the venue. We will meet at Loftus Oval Carpark which has plenty of room and is low car friendly. This is a quick turn into the Royal National Park and some nice roads and scenery. After Stanwell Tops we will turn off and head onto the awesome Sea Cliff Bridge. Following this it is a short trip to Austi Beach Cafe. There will be a lead and follow car so no one should get lost. If you would like to attend or bring others along please put your name down and a +1 as numbers will be needed prior! This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our many track days. This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a CAMS permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  19. Not only is it a new month, but a new year! So, to kick off our Sunday Sessions for 2023, we're heading back out to the amazing BENZIN Cafe! As always, this is the perfect event to catch up with the SAU NSW crew, hang out for a coffee and a bite to eat, and get in some photos and friendly banter! So now that your taste buds are tingling with excitement, make sure you save these details to avoid missing out: Date: Sunday 12th February 2023 Meet Location: Benzin Cafe - 1/242 New Line Rd, Dural Meet Time: Meet at 7:00am for those that want to get prime parking at the front of the shop. The cafe will open at 8:00am Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Benzin+Cafe/@-33.7032661,151.0270385,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x2bab9f6d2427b9c7!8m2!3d-33.7032661!4d151.0270385 This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our many track days. This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a Motorsports Australia permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  20. Welcome to the new year, gang! It's finally 2023, so to kick off the new year, we'd like to invite you all to join the SAUNSW team in starting the new year with a chilled out catch up! With all of the great feedback last year, we decided where else would be better to catch up than at Aqua Golf at Penrith Panthers! So without any ado, here are the details: Date: Saturday 21st January Location: Aqua Golf - Penrith Panthers Time: 4:00pm Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Aqua+Golf/@-33.7565255,150.6829137,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x97bb34f3a6f6199a!8m2!3d-33.7565255!4d150.6829137?fbclid=IwAR2U9eoMdP0zNJHLtbGMmPfSdfe7FG12879ICx1PNZ8_6o29TnwV6Otqp4E All you need to do is bring yourselves down to Penrith Panthers to come and say "HI", hang out, and maybe hit a few golf balls at the drive range. Who knows where the night may take us... What we do know is that there are plenty of food options available at the Penrith Panthers complex. For those of us keen to hit a few golf balls, prices start from $7.00 a bucket. Aqua Golf is open til late, so we have plenty of time to have a few hits and laughs with each other! This is an official SAU:NSW event and will be run under a CAMS permit. One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: • Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. • Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should. • Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly. • Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. Thanks all! Looking forward to seeing you all there!
  21. Photos are up on our website & FB! Enjoy! https://www.saunsw.com.au/gallery/december-2022-cruise-putty-road Merry Xmas all!
  22. Photos are now live on our website! Dont forget to check them out! https://www.saunsw.com.au/gallery/december-2022-sunday-sessions-waterview
  23. Photos from this awesome day are finally up on our page for your viewing pleasure! https://www.saunsw.com.au/gallery/november-2022-cruise-robertson-pie-shop
  24. You’re most certainly welcome, good sir!
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