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  1. i guess ill take the not bother option in the end, its too much hassle. ALTHOUGH i am gonna ask for some of the amount back since its not what he was advertising. cheers for the help guys. btw, small claims limit is 6000.
  2. im thinking i may as well just keep it for now, write the whole thing off as umm... experience,lol. but yeah it just pisses me off. i should be able to get almost the same value again when i sell it. just wanted to get some other peoples ideas on the situation. cheers for the replies fellas.
  3. its not a sileighty, i was just using that as an example. but one reason why genuine makes a difference is the value. i paid the value according to the genuine, when the value of a fake is half. you understand what im getting at?? but yeah im trying to get as much advice/info as i can before i ask a solicitor, they too much money to even botherr in the end. i realize now that i should have checked those things first but i really have a lot going on right now and i just needed the car asap with no hassle. i dont think i have much to stand on either, other than the fact that he was advertising it as genuine. cheers for the reply mate
  4. hey people, i have a bit of a dilemma with the car i just bought. i wont mention exactly what the car is as i know a lot of people from that forum (which i also wont mention)come here too. i just wanna get some peoples opinion on this situation... i've been overseas, then im planning to return back here so i spot a car on carsales that i think looks good, i get my brother to check it out, and he says it ok, a few little problems but nothing huge. so i send him a deposit, so that i can pick up the car as soon as i get back in the country, as its really important for me to be able to get around asap. rather than mention the exact car, ill give a comparison. say the car is advertised as a genuine sileighty, valued at the princely sum of 6000(for example). however i am not able to check before hand that it really is genuine, other than from photos. so i pick the car up, as i need to use it for a couple of weeks i havent had the chance to actually check it over. when i do get the chance, i actually realize that it is not genuine, but actually just a homejob silvia fronted 180, valued at only 4000(again for example). so this is my problem, and i want to know what you guys would do with this situation. either i 1. Sell the car to try and recoup as close as possible to the original outlay. i know i could get almost the same amount back. 2. Negotiate with the guy about it, and see if he is willing to admit the false advertising and reimburse some of the money. 3. Take it to small claims court to get the difference back. 4. write it off as stupidity. the thing i regret that i didnt do is check the VIN before i bought it, although i really didnt have the oppurtunity to. the other thing is that he could just claim that he is ignorant about the whole thing and he never knew that it was indeed fake. please no stupid replies or anything, this is all dead serious. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. just keep checking the dipstick (after letting the oil drain to the sump for a minute or two). -jimmy
  6. true mate, works a treat. -jimmy
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