Picked up a S15 Spec R low K 6 speed SR20DET this weekend off the original lady owner.
It is no skyline but it will do the job while i hunt down a clean R32 GTR.
spotted a clean silver R32 on tillyard drive at about 9:45, i think it was a four door although i may be wrong.
Also spotted Not a Pulsars R33 in his drive way and it was good to finally meet a fellow SAU member
looking to swap for a S13/S14 does not have to be in good condition as i am looking for a project car. also willing to swap for a rolling chassis with money my way
Bump. went over the pits and got knocked back for exhaust tip/BOV/wheels/ numberplate light globes out. i am happy to let it go for $9299 as is or i will continue to legalise the car and put 3 months rego on and the price will rise by the costs to do so