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drunkn snail

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Everything posted by drunkn snail

  1. nah sorry cant make it, have fun though
  2. I might be down if it's on the 6th, also count me in for the s.e premeet
  3. anyone think it would look way better with a small wing on the back, slightly larger for the gts model? designed like the 180 type x wing or an gt type r s15 wing? i think they would look mad compared to nothing and the huge thing there've designed. photoshop someone?
  4. about 300 normal stop start driving and 200 hwy. plus i put a bottle of injector cleaner in this tank.
  5. Finally clocked over 500kms in the line with still another 10-15 litres to go. feelsgoodman.jpg
  6. definetly wouldve gone to uni if it was more like american college. this song makes me jelly of america ahah edit: lame censored version ruins flow. uncensored is way better
  7. facebooks going hetik over it
  8. anyone going to the drifitng gp this weekend? what time does it start/good to get therre at?
  9. its all different. ive seen a set of 5 stud turbo wheels go for as low as $30 on ebay and half a set plus space saver go for 10. (was pissed as when i found i had missed out both times). although you normally see them for around 150+ imo
  10. hated how all the "hoon" side claimed to be "car enthusiasts" when clearly they werent imo. one of the kids on there is on my facebook and is the biggest honn going around, posting skids and diccussions about aquiring stokies for the night dont know how anyone can claim car enthusiast and not know about track days and more than likely still does skids on the street edit: some on the hoon side looked like genuine enthusiasts
  11. thanks for the info, sored out all the myths now. just thought a hd clutch would last longer compared to a std clutch thats why i was leaning towards that
  12. confused again as there is a thread with a guy claiming to fit a gtst clutch perfectly in his na :S
  13. thanks for the info, wouldve just bought and assumed a gts-t clutch would fit otherwise thanks think mine might be a type s or optioned up version then seeings as i have red bagdes, rear sway bar and some sort of lsd. what do people think of hcb clutchs. sold in melbourne so they cant be too bad although they are cheap considering autobarn quoted me around 440 for an oem one. looking at this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NISSAN-SKYLINE-CLUTCH-KIT-GTR-GTS-R31-R32-R33-/360159712014?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item53db31130e
  14. original pic is meh. photoshopped is tuff as
  15. hey guys did a quick search but couldnt find really anything about n/a. question is does a gts-t clutch fit an n/a. found one thread where someone said gts25's came with rb20 gearboxs instead of a 25 box. also were there any high spec gts's that came with turbo componets, such as 5 stud, red badges? my car has these but im pretty sure the previous owner didnt do these mods unless it came from japan that way. and finally what clutch would you recommend me. car will be used majority for the street but i am planning on taking it to the track and drifting, doing a few clutch kicks to help me get round. was thinking something like an excedy heavy duty clutch. dont want anything too expensive. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/320887451155?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 thanks for any feedback you give
  16. hate peeps who text you then when you text back you get no response
  17. anyone know what the bottom middle one is? just curious. i think it looks like the cat converter failure light
  18. tired to find the origin of russtling jimmies but can only find out the meaning, of which i got the jist. seems it just appeared on 4chan/otherradomtrollingsites about 2 years and has grow slowly since
  19. ive also got the same cold start issue as you. will idle rough for a few seconds in the morning and struggle to build oil pressure unless i give it a rev. it doesnt have any other sutters or problems and isnt hard to start. its a 33 n/a . hope you find a solution
  20. found another piece, probably shouldnt use a pressure cleaner underneath again this peice is about 40-50 cm long had a look at that thread, sounds plausible. thanks will suss it out tomoz
  21. nah its not the window jets they still work, unless its a drain for them or something. wouldve come off the bottom of the car that why i keep thinking it for drainage. doesnt smell like petrol or anything
  22. Was giving the car a wash underneath, went for a drive came back and found this tube on the ground. Does anyone know where it goes or what it does. Don't think it's anything too important (car ran fine) most likely just a drain tube. Any help appreciated
  23. actually i too was wondering what there for, quick bar removal?
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