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Everything posted by iwanta34gtr

  1. Bump hello still looking 4 a blue vspec gtr.
  2. Sony amp gone, everything else still available and open 4 offers. Call me if keen. Thanx.
  3. Sony amp gone, everything else still available and open 4 offers. Call me if keen. Thanx.
  4. Thanx 4 the offer, but I want a vspec. Urs is very nice tho.
  5. I think so, I got the pic from google. Didnt make the link until some1 else mentioned that. I did speak with Wei a few times about his car a few months ago. Very nice guy. Heres the link if u want the bigger version. Good pic. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.under10000usedcars.com/images/11622370.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.under10000usedcars.com/Nissan-Skyline-Gt-R-V-Spec-R34-1999-Miles-98000-under-10000/&usg=__u6Q1LQfLIVpaypN76ULBbco0OWk=&h=204&w=306&sz=20&hl=en&start=212&zoom=1&tbnid=A7xhel2QnJ-iyM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=117&ei=kCx3ToegA6ebmQWfp4TWCA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dr34%2Bgtr%2Bbayside%2Bblue%26start%3D210%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
  6. Thank u 4 the offer thats very nice of u, but have decided to just wait for a local 1 to pop up. Got another drive around car now so not in as much of a rush 2 get 1. Thanks again tho.
  7. Hi, I am selling my sound system that was pulled out of my car before I sold it. All are a few months old. Rockford fosgate sub - 200W RMS / 400W Peak - $395 Fusion RE-AM90010 900W Monoblock amp - $145 Sony ZM-ZR604 600W 4 Channel amp - $145 Pioneer dome tweeters - $45 Fusion silk dome speakers and splitter boxes - $45 I am located in Rouse Hill Sydney, pick up available or can post. Please PM if interested or call me 0403 898 518. Thanx.
  8. Hi, I am selling my sound system that was pulled out of my car before I sold it. All are a few months old. Rockford fosgate sub - 200W RMS / 400W Peak - $395 Fusion RE-AM90010 900W Monoblock amp - $145 Sony ZM-ZR604 600W 4 Channel amp - $145 Pioneer dome tweeters - $45 Fusion silk dome speakers and splitter boxes - $45 I am located in Rouse Hill Sydney, pick up available or can post. Please PM if interested or call me 0403 898 518. Thanx.
  9. Thanx. My 350z convertible is now sold so no longer available for trade. Cash still ready for a bayside vspec.
  10. Thank u 4 the tip i will look in to it. Not sure about avatar i got it from google. here is t he link if u want the big 1. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=r34+gtr+vspec&start=508&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=A7xhel2QnJ-iyM:&imgrefurl=http://www.under10000usedcars.com/Nissan-Skyline-Gt-R-V-Spec-R34-1999-Miles-98000-under-10000/&docid=ED231HU4HdrOCM&w=306&h=204&ei=mrNwTqK4EaKKmQXegv3nCQ&zoom=1&chk=sbg&iact=hc&vpx=488&vpy=313&dur=3681&hovh=163&hovw=244&tx=90&ty=183&page=25&tbnh=111&tbnw=146&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:508&biw=1366&bih=597 Seen longz but yes want blue!
  11. Wow how did u know that? Thanx.
  12. Thanks again Lyndon. Anyone have any idea how high a stock vspec sits? I'll run it by ceva again but they said the car needs to be atleast 4 - 5 inches high otherwise it has to go on the race / premium service.
  13. I wish it was. From the pictures that baby is cleeeeeeeeeean.
  14. Hello, thanks 4 that. Yes, standard service is much cheaper but they said because of the ride height it has to go through their premium / race service only as they need a trailer with hydrolic lifters to get it on.
  15. Thank u but both are out of my price range n im also looking for something not that worked.
  16. Stephen its your car I was doing the research for. It still keeps me up at nite.
  17. Hello there is a nice black vspec 2 in Sydney at the moment that was just listed in the 4sale section. Hope this helps. And that melbourne 1 above looks like a very good buy too with nice mods.
  18. Hello thank u 4 the PM but im hanging out 4 a vspec. Im sure urs will sell quik it looks clean and nice extras.
  19. Wow thats beautiful. Im sure it will sell quik. Looking forward 2 more pics of engine and interior.
  20. Thanks guys, definately going to try and stik to finding one closer.
  21. I received the quote from Ceva 2day for gtr transport. VehiclesNISSAN SKYLINEQuote Charges:AUD 3330.65GST:AUD 333.07Total Charges:AUD 3663.72 Unfortunately this is a bit much for me, so will wait for 1 to pop up closer to this side of the country. Thanks 4 all ur help guys.
  22. I received the quote from Ceva 2day for gtr transport. VehiclesNISSAN SKYLINEQuote Charges:AUD 3330.65GST:AUD 333.07Total Charges:AUD 3663.72 Unfortunately this is a bit much for me, so will wait for 1 to pop up closer to this side of the country. Thanks 4 all ur help guys.
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