I think there should be an untubbed street class with
1.semi racing street radial tyres
2.no major body modifycations. I.E:must run in full street trim only allowing for removal of miscalanius parts the spare + front seat change to sports etc
3.nos/no nos?fuel type is to hard to govern in a street type class there are usually to many competitors.
4.minor drivetrain I.E clutch upgrades,lsd's,flywheels. no racing g/box doggie or sequential has to run stock.
5.Restrict turbos to high flows,allow the use of cpu's .Dont know what i would do in n/a class
maybee a separate turbo class from the n/a boys only because we dont know whats in the engine untill it has its run down the quarter at least with a turbo car we know that a person is not going to go to the trouble of a full engine rebuild for a highflow.But you never do know.
This might seem stupid but i think in order to be able to keep the class competitive it has to have a level playing feild so to speak with numerous modifycations allowing for a competitive setup for it's competitors cars.
A class that can be governed in one way or another allowing for close competitive racing is what these peeps will look at, not a class where you can run a ballistic engine and turbo combo (unlimited class) but a class where every one can enjoy.dial your own class is probably the only class that caters for every type of street driver in the fairness of good sport
just some fuel for thought.:)