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Everything posted by Trust33

  1. the linkeh doesnt work?? i'll just go with the general consensus....pug fugly!!
  2. the solenoid needs to be rubber mounted in a place with ventilation. put is on the airbox side somwhere up front. and that way all you need to do is run hoses from the actuator and from the boost source to the solenoid. and put the plug from the ebc controller to the solenoid up to it. if you are running the ebc controller itself youd want it to be in the cabin. so assuming you are going to run it in the glovebox. run a tee from a vacume line that runs from the inlet plenum. so u can get it as close as u can to where you want it, so the hose run stays as short as possible, before it actually needs to be tee'd.
  3. ouch.. these cars and engines co$t to much to maintain.
  4. no way eh. whats wrong with the gtr this time??
  5. mine was fine. the only thing that i regret not doing before i got it painted was i diddnt open up the bonnet vents more with a die grinder. thats it. the paint was premo and never had an imperfection. allways drop your fiberglass bonnet never push it from the nose. as it might start to spiderweb crack in the paint from the constant pushing.
  6. your son will like the smoke
  7. stock skyline radiators are copper core. mate you have to earth out the radiator if it is aluminium. not related to your water level though it is related to aluminium radiator corrosion. good luck with the problem.
  8. mm true. i will get onto it someitme in the next week. for the time being i am using the rear wiper motor for the front squirters.
  9. i run a serek oil cooler with earls fittings and braided hoses and a generic sandwhich plate. bought a few years back through snowmans GB's. long before JJR had their kits on the market. The car has had some track, skid pan, and motorkahna abuse and it is still driven every day and is still living to tell the tale. imo get a radiator to go along with it. you will see more consistantly stable temps across the boards.
  10. Chris, dont boost ur turbo past 8psi
  11. i cant find it . i dont think it's on that manual. i might just call a wreckers and see if they can help me out.
  12. when i do it i did one side. i loosend the coolant reservuoir and washer bottle. my hands were just a little to big to get it back in. easy to get out though as the others have said. the best way i found to do it was get somthing that can hold it in there and use ur fingers to twist it in if ur not into taking anything out of the way.
  13. no doubt they would emfasize somthing allong the lines of the modifycations are what led this car to be the mangled wreck that you see before u. the sudden impact at 100klm/ph will have little mention.
  14. all true. maybe a change of government leaders can stem the drought.. lol. but i dont think so. we can still go to the track mate nothings stopping us. but i see what u are saying.
  15. i had a swift gti once. i rested a hot pizza box on the bonnet for 30 sec's took it off and what has happend to yours has given a similar result. no ammount of cutting and polishing could fix it. it would go away to a certain extent but then by next wash it would come back again. I think the fact that it was on the bonnet didnt help much because it would get hot again and bring the discolouration back out. i think it's the clear coat that has burnt.
  16. I might just meet youse out there. Throw me ur number though so i can catch up with you all.
  17. as the tittle suggestsd. i dont know where it is. i know where the rear one is but i cant identify the location of the front one. reason being i think its either the relay or the motor is buggered all together
  18. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/50...or-t187748.html should help out a bit. the core on these are 60% larger
  19. i think that it is a stuck switch/contact coming from the base of the headlight peg itself. id take the plastic covers off of the ignition barrel and have a look mate. dont quote me though. mine have done it before but only when i was going really slow on the interchange from normal lights to high beam.
  20. yeah there was a series of dvd's covering every event throughout the DA this year. autobarn should sell them plus the DRIFT BATTLE dvd's.
  21. and maximum flamage when the tyres are down to the belts.i think thats what he forgot to add. seriously im a health and saftey officer at work. this appauls me. hes not thinking saftey for others let alone himself.
  22. you cant educate people against the dangers of street racing.they have to be seriously injured to realise this. 3 wks ago a mate at tafe was in a po-po chase. needless to say they caught him. he has no license for a long time. do you think that it stopped him from driving <_<No. i dont know many people have bragged about how many times they have driven a car and they have no license. the point being if crushing cars gets the real hoons/boy racers/i dont give a f**k about the system tools off of the street then thats the only way it can be done. ok i partially change my mind depending on the offence. if it isnt as serious as a car crushable offence then i think long,long,looong term impoundment is the way to go.pretty simple really. take it to the track. if the "street hoons" have a laugh at u when u say how much it costs to track the car for a day just ask them how much they have paid in fines.lol.and or how much they will end up paying in fines executing the same shit.
  23. And for blue slip your car has to be pretty much stock as a rock. Unless you have an engineers cert.
  24. f**k. I thought that Corrine was a champ guys. I think that you should obide by the rule of the cruise. If u cant take a little crittisism then f**k off. No need for the negativity. get it.
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