Hi peeps.(This thread is posted elsewhere in the photography sect also)
I need help on what video camera to buy.
I just bought a panansonic hdd 30gb job.>>GO HERE FOR VID CAMERA<<
After a little use i decided to have a look at the quality of the film on the computer.It was definently not what i had expected.when you look through the lcd screen you think it will be good but when it comes to full view,to me i have seen better quality tape camcorders,i cant see what all of the rage is about.sure it is convenient to transfer data.but i dont really care about it if the quality is not going to be there.so im going to get my money back within the 7day customer satisfaction period.
I was looking at the 3ccd panasonic camcorder.This one is only a few hundred more than what i have paid for my current camera as you can see.>>GOOD GUYS VIDEO CAMERAS<< also i have seen the quality off the dvd camcorders,what i was going to get untill i got hdd,which are pretty good.
Another reason i went his way was because i will be shooting some in car footage and i thought that the dvd will skip while recording.does it??
What way should i go?