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Everything posted by Trust33

  1. nice ride you have there.im a big fan of the trust front bars.though i havent seen a trust rear that i can recall.
  2. i hear you. it would be better to put the money towards a cage. thanks. though if there are any other opinions i would like to hear them.
  3. does it really give the car that much more ridgidity. and what is it like to drive with on the handelling side of things. AND is this a cusco floor brace?i havent been able to get my hands on a pic of one yet.
  4. there are quite a few of us going out to watch the event.im sure you could hook up with us.
  5. cheers.your bride is a little out of my price range. liz: ive left a msg in your obx thread.
  6. looks nice lizzeh. i will take a look at the just jap ones first.and if i dont like them then i will definantly come and try out the obx.
  7. have you painted your brakes yet??
  8. thats true 17-18 year olds are befitting of their age.willo i know mate.it has happend in australian sports as well.many times over... i love the sport.i had seen it on lots of vids and thought that i would give it a go 2months ago at the sau drfit day and i like the taste of drift.it's a great sport with great people.so much so that im going out to do it again. im a low budjet drifter i cant afford everything that i want to do to the car.though i like what i have and i i make do with what ive got and it gives me personal satisfaction to link all corners sideways.it's kind of for the love of it for me atm.when i stop it will be because of money,most likely,not because i dont like drifting. i can see myself being a privateer if it ever came to me competition drifting.though the thought of sponsorship does arouse me!!
  9. they are idols that have been there and done that.people cant be expected to be saints all there lives.speaking from personal experience.YES!!,though not in motorsport. those who know about drifting and drift in general and those who respect the sport have often had a background in life that allows them to appreciate what they are good at and what it takes.and as such they promote that, in just doing what it is that they do.ie:they walk the walk and talk the talk. it comes down to personality pretty much IMO.For example:you can go to an interveiw witth the best of intentions and have all of the credentials on paper to say that you are going to be good at the job.but when it comes down to it you cant beat people that have the experience in the industry. im not saying that you cant have your cake and eat it.all i am saying is that in order to do the right thing by everybody you need to be selfless.somthing that unfortunatly not everyone has the time for and not every1 (ie:sponsors) are broad sighted enuf or have the money,to see or finance.thus wasted talent and just another dream gone. aussie drifters do need more recognition though and the only way to be "recognised" i think anyway is,through hard work and perciverance.rome wasnt built in a day.hey hey hey!!! back to the big names in aussie drifting.they are doing all they can at the moment in drift australia and it is evident in the ammount of big name sonsorship that they are bringing into drifting in australia.its pretty easy to say here you go heres our money and then all you get for it in return is recognition what the sponsors want is "SALES".if they dont have any then they sure as hell wont be sponsoring any drift events. drift as a professional sport is and has been big and going on for quite a while now in japan,they have the appeall and the direction that allot of us envy for aust drifting.we cant copy japan because we arnt from japan.but we can be similar to them. seriously though i wouldnt worry.you are a concerned person ammongst the many and you are in japan. end rant.want more.
  10. http://www.shockreco.com.au these guys are in qld and they can reco just about any shockie you can think of.
  11. recived the pack last friday.theyre at payless tyres ingleburn and tyrepower ctown.
  12. Trust33

    Old Pac

    sad stuff there.
  13. i hear that they are good on the track.but the adjustability isnt as great as some of the more expensive brands like bilstien etc..ie:hard to soft dampning.
  14. yeah cubes so ugly
  15. what is graining? i get that outer endge wear when i go to the track especially on the front left after a day at WP.
  16. im using hks hyper-d's.they are pretty good at the track.on the street they are a bit harsh though. the only problem with the jap valve rate is the harshness of the aust roads.on a daily driven car they need a rebuild at least 1 time every 8months on my 33.not so much the rears but more so the fronts. craig.
  17. how much $$$ are the endless cc-x pads to buy.
  18. yeah.im sure that the name brand ones are better than the generic aftermarket equivelent.but not every1 has the cash to fork out.thats where these are good. aside from the obvious problems.as i am sure every good brake manufacturer endless,harrop and the rest etc has had teething problems with.these are pretty good at an entry level point of veiw.
  19. you can do it.just do a tyre rotation.
  20. non turbo imports are never better on insureance than a non turbo australian delivered.no way!
  21. in 50series 16inch i cant stand the handeling.like a boat to say teh least. going low profile is a great way to improve handeling out of sight.
  22. Thats a top real world experience thread.
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