from a bystanders veiw
they seem like a good calliper and rotor senario.
but their was the issue of:
-bracket bolts-(fixed with the help of a spring washer and nut.have you thought towards a loctite and split pin setup?)
-aftermarket pads-fixed by machining the top edge a 1mm or 2.
Another R33
F40 Brembo brakes (340mm disk, Ferrodo 2500 or 3000 pads): 300 degrees
Standard rear brakes (pad unknown): 150 degrees
R34 GT-T
CSC brakes (343mm disk, Ferrodo 2500 or 3000 pads): 150 degrees
Standard rear brakes (pad unknown) 80 degrees
they obviously are up to the task.
Either way ducting,the best fluid and regular upkeep/brake and its assemblies seem to be the norm.
in conclusion:-
when they are compared to the other brakes,the temps are good.and given that they have had track and targa testing i can only see the plus's outweighing the negatives.price is also good.
if i were in your position i would lean towards them.just do the right thing and use the knowledge and experience that others have given you.