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Everything posted by Trust33

  1. from a bystanders veiw they seem like a good calliper and rotor senario. but their was the issue of: -bracket bolts-(fixed with the help of a spring washer and nut.have you thought towards a loctite and split pin setup?) -aftermarket pads-fixed by machining the top edge a 1mm or 2. Another R33 F40 Brembo brakes (340mm disk, Ferrodo 2500 or 3000 pads): 300 degrees Standard rear brakes (pad unknown): 150 degrees R34 GT-T CSC brakes (343mm disk, Ferrodo 2500 or 3000 pads): 150 degrees Standard rear brakes (pad unknown) 80 degrees they obviously are up to the task. Either way ducting,the best fluid and regular upkeep/brake and its assemblies seem to be the norm. in conclusion:- when they are compared to the other brakes,the temps are good.and given that they have had track and targa testing i can only see the plus's outweighing the negatives.price is also good. if i were in your position i would lean towards them.just do the right thing and use the knowledge and experience that others have given you. Craig.
  2. :sorcerer:!!hppybirfdaythrowsballonznstreamersnshit!! :sorcerer:
  3. yeah i think that the diff will definently spin up 2 wheels with 1.49 each side.consider that a stock diff has 0.8 each side stock and was considered a lsd when new. 1.49 both sides will be better at lock than when it was brand new.
  4. i think from memory that they are the same.the car has to have a lsd to begin with.that means turbo cars only.just to make sure you could get them from nissan.no hassals there.
  5. jeff,are you going to be coming out to play or to sit?
  6. its just so wet i dont know how they can have a good run.this kind of weather would be good for things like targa and track training for wet weather conditions.
  7. hi.long time.
  8. i was dori :] just taking off easy from the lights.haha.
  9. Trust33

    Old Pac

    thats big!! hope they at least find the missing persons.but in situations like this when they havent found peeps in time there is little hope of finding them still alive.but still hope that they do.
  10. please get me up to speed on what a bung tool is.jk's aside.
  11. there arnt ones that thick. i can see where you are coming from.1 instead of 2 so there is no possible way of slip between the shims.. the biggest shim is 1.49mm thick. making 4mm of preload will be hektik as,1-1 lock for sure.especially when new.then it will wear down but will stop and stay their at a certain point as has mine.wile mine is 3.2mm off the top of my head it is still a good predictable diff even after being daily driven since it has been installed. when mine was first done it was 1-1.now more like 1-.80. im not to sure,but what side you shim may have an effect on which direction the preload will affect.!!just going out on a limb here!! wait now i thinkl about it it prolly really doesnt have an effect on which direction the preload will affect. there is no real gearing that would allow a differing change over in tourque from foward to reverse.its prolly right to say the tourque preload is the same foward to reverse.
  12. go to my diy thread in my sig and you will see what the shims look like.those shims are the ones that hold the bearings and caps nice and ridgid in place. Mine came from the lsd centre centre.its like 0.8mm stock thickness.it needs bigger for dori evilness.
  13. get some cup holders ftw.
  14. hi cubes.try more like up here $80 but retreads are retreads.
  15. not giving a plug to any1 here,but tyre power campbelltown have a socalled uprated retread which has a new way of bonding the tread to the doner sidewall.whiich i ahve used on my car as a set of rears only. they have a 140kph speed rating and they were allright as a thrasher tyre.they did do good at drifting tho when the tread was all but bald it started to come off in chunks.where as a proper tyre will run a little lower before it starts to separate.it did live up to its task of not coming apart at the sidewall join tho.
  16. hmm.im hungry.
  17. this guy looks like a previously banned user. A certain seller by the name of ALEX.is it you.are you stupid enuf to come back.why do you taunt us with your presence.
  18. OP dori day in this weather.
  19. next thing you know all of those surplus funds that the club has will be dried up.i know your a compulsive drinker and gambler
  20. http://www.oranpark.com/drifting.html
  21. theres a bit of time to get ready now so DOO IT! Chris: r u serious. i was having kittens running arround looking for tyres and getting the car ready this arvo.cause it was the only day i could get it ready this week. im glad i diddnt rip the front bar off.i was going to leave that till after work.
  22. i gotta pick up some tyres tomorrow then down to op fri nite.
  23. i did a line drop,of leaflets, :; at tafe today.muhahaha
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