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Everything posted by Trust33

  1. hey bishcakes i was about to send you a pm but you beat me to the thread...ahh next one then..
  2. is there still going to be a mankini contest!.?.?.?.?.! So whats the goske's about entrants being judges? Personally i think that it's allrite so long as the car isnt judged by it's owner.
  3. i will get back to you on that.
  4. hey hey. I have registered the car for the event.but when i tryed to go back and pay for the event,a few days later,it wont direct me to the correct site to pay. What do i do in this case?
  5. is it this friday nite chub? im in if it is. damn i wanted to have the bucket seat by this event.looks like it'l b a slippery slide again. Call them for me then if you are calling to organise for every1.
  6. Trust33

    Dyno Day

    uni group are having a dyno day this weekend so i am told.
  7. im there...
  8. i will be there.just getting ready to leave in 10..
  9. eeks.haha. i forgot about this one.next one itl be then.sounds like it was a good one 2.
  10. bad to hear.they wont learn but lets hope they do.there are some rubbish parants out there.but there are some asshole kids out there as well hey!!
  11. V good. I was thinking of doing this,as a temporary thing,for when i go out to track days.but not to this level.awesome work there.
  12. Pm sent again.Re-the floor brace.Just in case you diddn't get the last one i sent you.
  13. Are you going to sell the harness in your pic?
  14. nice.so wheres the list?
  15. here i was thinking that it was another gotchya aka friday thread.
  16. liverpool supercheap had it in a 1/2 a year back.they can order it for you anyway. Make sure you get the undercoat as well.
  17. thats so nice.free bump
  18. I dont know andrew..how much ......hi-5....... sexy time??haha..where are these balls you speak of.

  19. oi! i cant make that round as my bro and his wifey needd a hand to move their shizzle and they need me to drive a commercial van with a trailer on the back.so spewing about missing this 1. EC DA then. Craig.
  20. ohrly! tastey
  21. hawt when she wants to be..

    @)-->--- great to be out with.

    See you arround like a merry-go-round.

  22. Bring me back the mines r34gtr.i will shout you a beer.
  23. rofl.as i was pulling up there all i could see as i looked towards the pan was white smoke.i couldnt see the car put it that way..
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