Hey, sauers
I've searched and read a lot of other similar threads but not sure
Misfire at Idle, My car was tuned with standard coil packs and 1.1mm gaped plugs, I started to get a slight misfire when idleing & started to get rough cold start ,
So I got new splitfires coil packs and new spark plugs copper 0.08. Car goes better,
But the Misfire (thud...) is still there at idle, I haven't had a misfire while driving, Could it be a dud spark plug ( Autobarn guy just wacks them on the table to gap them then used round metal thing, Is that the correct proceder?). Or Ignition timing, AAC valve dirty, vacume leak?
Going to go to the mechanic next week or two.Just after your thoughts on what it could/would it be?
Fuel filter,fuel pump,afm have been replaced