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Everything posted by Evo_Lee

  1. Hehehe...Scriby your refering to that JUN Hyper Lemon Evo5 drift video They are Insane for drifting a 600ps+ 4WD circuit car but she did drift just as good.
  2. If your looking run them in drags then the lighter the better. I actually like the E1-2 look, but everyone prefers the E3 look of that shape Lancer. Drivetrain not strong? where did you hear this, or you mean compared to the later models. You will be able to run 12s without going forgies for sure, just don't go pushing more than 360ps...piston & rods will go. For piece of mind swap in CP Evo internals up to 420ps or CT Evo internals just under 500ps. Good luck.
  3. Now you've said it...I said Thai massage parlor because it's cheaper!
  4. Hanko is a signature stamp...which dates back to the ancient days in China where they used "CHOP" aka marble stamp to represent authority, authentication of action or seal. Usually only used by wealthy or imperial people, such that who holds the Imperial CHOP rules the country. Japan obviously have kept this tradition to this day but by use of a much much smaller stamp. Pachinko like all gambling is bad. Slot machine fuelld by pinballs falling, gambling for goods in exchange. Usually there is a pawn shop just around the corner to exchange the goods for cash.
  5. Geezus you still think things are going to fall out...your engine is tight as mate.
  6. yes but not many and they are going back a bit now so they won't be in exactly the greatest of conditions... I noticed your in the states why not buy US Version Evo. I doubt it will be easy to get the earlier Evo to comply to your crash test. Even for Aust 1-5 cannot be complied AFAIK.
  7. As said only some places. Same 20A rating over here...operating microwave, heater/aircon, TV, vacuum all at the same time...no blackouts. Cause here in the Central West we don't have the same power company to the East Oh yes Rezz's places is incredible, so many goods running off only 2 power outlet in a 20yo building. Generally there is only 2 pin outlets but newer places are getting 3pins plus most offices use 3pins.
  8. but if there was another round, and we had the time we could prepare the wine red 32 for the drag!Yeah... and the sump can fall out at half track! :zap:
  9. Also I didn't do much guys, I'm Troy the toolman...Justin the DIYman who also cut his finger did all the work Hopefully this weekend we can take a run around Mt Koya and see how she sings up top.
  10. I want the photo of the baboon who cut his finger!
  11. Come on Justin, next time you pull a quickie at the lights at least let me know . Even with a passenger my car is still heavier though. Also you have to know the roads man...merging lane ahead. As we said earlier the cooler would allow you to run higher boost. Dave it was a bitch of a day, hot as hell. Yes, many stares but at the end it was a job well done.
  12. geezus funky you read too much Option mate , another article from them.
  13. Justin, we should use the workshop at night to install the intercooler will be a hell of alot faster. Let's see how the weather is, if it is good you can't knock back the drive out to the Skyline lookout as I haven't been out that way and I hear great for pics , want to get some nice pics of the car with the Japan Skyline. The Tanise Bridge is also very very cool...test how big your bollock are , this kid which must have been only 5 and her grandma about 70yo weren't phased while I was walking as slow as an ant! Dave no worries...get well soon champ.
  14. It is a no go Houston!...Typhoon 22 approaching! Cancelled the trip over to Dave's due to the typhoon and Dave is feeling a little crook this morning. Also I don't fancy flying off the Japan Alps by 180km/h cross winds...then I would have a photo to rival Dave's GT-R airlines. Justin, I talked to Dave...we can do it next weekend or the one after. But on Sunday fancy a drive down to the SKYLINE lookout at Koya-san 165km and will cost you 0 yen toll! Then looping over to Tanise rope bridge. Give me a call if your interested. 297m across and 50m above the river. The rope is still there but now reinforced with steel cabling. Still something like this would be a No No in Aust due to safety. First time I crossed it a massive gush of wind swung the bridge half a metre sideway!
  15. the Japanese guy who sits adjacent to me dines on rice cracker with a very very strong smell like it is burnt...I swear he is getting fatter and fatter everyday.
  16. The sentence thing everyone has picked up is true, and I find it very rude that they keep cutting in my conversation. Especially when I have been waiting patiently for their conversations to finish, and it has been so hard to catch the chance to speak to the Katcho! I will one day but so far have controlled myself from rudely snapping at them..."excuse me!" or STFU!... Oh that brings me to another point which I should mention in the other thread, I can swear as much as I want in the office and no one will understand or even know I'm swearing and my Katcho sits 3 metres away from me :D...believe me there are days I've yelled out f**k me dead and no one looks up...because like us they too need to switch on their English ears else its just background noise to them.
  17. Dave we will have a nice time catching over the weekend mate Can I answer this later, little tired at the moment. But I will say, contrary to what we have said in the other thread about the people...the Japanese are one of the nicest and kindest people you could ever meet...the children are also adorable. Next door neighbour's 5 year daughter is a pretty intelligent helper when I'm working on my car...handing me the tools I need...but also likes to make tools disappear from time to time and re-appearing weeks later or sitting in her bicycle basket....kids!!!
  18. Evo_Lee

    is this new

    Lower pic is relatively new...a couple of months now. But you want something new...they are now talking about a VQ40DETT...after Justin posted up the possibility or rather the focus of the Skyline going to a VQ41DE the GT-R couldn't possibly have less capacity right . And yes folks it is still a V6...a 4.0L V6 they are considering now, same 450ps output. I'm sure Justin will chime in soon. I still hear no V8, who was the one that said a V8?
  19. There is a Nismo Sports shop in Nishinomiya about 20-25 minutes train ride from JR Osaka along the Akashi (blue) line...you also have the address in your orignial post. Nissan SATIO-Hyogo Nishinomiya store 5-1-50798-35-0321, Kami-Koshien, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo-ken http://www.satio-hyogo.co.jp/
  20. You bastard, this will be my last holiday for the year well till Xmas. No more public for me till Xmas, which I will be in Aust . China, flying out from Kansai ? attached the bastard of a route I will be taking...
  21. hahaha...nah nothing like what you two have going ...we all know why he bought that VIP wagon! If you guys free tonight let's hook up...Justin?
  22. So who has a 4 day long weekend or am I the only salaryman here who needs the well earned break? Plans? I'll be heading over to chill out with Debito and family on Friday. Staying till Saturday night or Sunday morning if Dave doesn't kicks me out . Will be my first drive heading towards Tokyo way as well as visiting Dave kingdom in Yamanashi. Have been studying the routes with Dave and there's a big ass mountain in the way between Yamanashi and East of Nagoya. So I have to go North or South. Thinking of going North first them on the way back South through Shizuoka and Hamamatsu. 400+km...thinking of using both the highway and local roads depending on the traffic but I will see if I can set a yardstick for Justin . May go to the F1 on the way back, but considering the jam last year I may just give it a miss...plus unlike last year Shuey has this one all wrapped up already. So Dave guess you couldn't twist Justin's arm...no matter he would have slowed me down anyway Anyone out that way there is a party at Dave's!!! Oh Brian, get off your island and come on over, Yamanashi is only directly South of you .
  23. Drugs are easy to come by...any person can buy them at any disco/club given you know how a seller usually dress/looks like. Regulars get discounts and one off buyers are charger usually about 2-3 times more compared to what they sell in Aust...course depending on the drugs. Why do I know, I don't know why I know...I don't touch that shit!
  24. Brian, yeah the bastards tax us twice! Making us having to claim the tax back after. The nominated resident will probably be the secrectary for me as she has been doing it all for us foreigners here. Reimburse within a year sounds more like it. We all know that the pension is going up due to the increasing aging population here, even my Japanese colleagues feel there will be no money for them when they retire because the younger generation will not be able to support the even larger population of senior citizens.
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