i live in lilydale across the road from the police station mind you, and i have two quik stories to tell. firstly, i was driving home one night from a mates place about 2 or 3 k's away, and i come up to a set of lights to turn right. light goes green so i give it a little. bad move. just around the corner was a cop car that had pulled someone over. as i was going round the corner, inside wheel starts to screech a little. em with my music hardly heard it but looking at the cops it was like, "forget this guy, p plater driving a skyline making screechy noises, lets get him!" i know it was wrong but i didn't even mean to. he pulls me after a k of following me and says. "did oyou know you went sideways round that intersection?" i said no i went a bit fast but not sideways. so this went on for a few minutes and then he asks for my license and i go, oh no i left my wallet at home. so blah blah blah, he gets me for not having my license with me. $50 no points. not bad. but they gave me that coz they couldn't get me for anything else.
Sorry so long
Story number 2:
My parents are freinds with a police officer. bad news for me. He says he heard about me getting pulled over and he told them how they meet their quota for daily rego checks. coz we live across the road from the cop shop. they just look out the window and do a check on our cars, and our neighbors. how bloody slack is that!!!