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Everything posted by pac34r

  1. Hey the Mrs. has a toyota echo 2000. Awesome on petrol! It goes hard for what it is aswell. As for ousley i havn't driven up that. She goes up bulli pass about 3 times a week no problem and drives from wollongong to bankstown 3 times a week, no problem. I drove it for about 3 months and is the most reliable car ever. Oil changes and servicing piss easy. If you want something reliable, good on petrol, and goes hard (for what it is) def the echo. From my experience Hyundais are a sack of shit! she picked it up for $3600 too had 110k kms.
  2. how many kms has the gearbox run? any problems with synchros?
  3. Thanks. Must be a rare or not readily available. Hide finding any information or instructions EEEKK. Thanks for your help though
  4. Hey my synchros look like there needing to be replaced. How much roughly did you pay and what was the initial problem?
  5. Got shockproof and it's amazing. Still a little crunchy when shifting but not too bad. So i guess a future re-build will be in view. Any ideas on how much this will cost?
  6. So I've searched google and the forums. Not much help. I've heard it is a turbo timer from japan and that's about all. If anyone could give me and information at all, it would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Ouch someone got burnt section 8 = one turboedsloth = zero (better luck next time internet bad boy) haha
  8. ok had a little look. does $180 sound about right? also from reading. I'm thinking of opting for redline heavy shock proof http://www.shiftperformance.com.au/product_info.php?products_id=764&products_name=RedLine%20Heavy%20ShockProof&category_name=
  9. thanks i'll try get round to that this w.e. any idea of price of redline shock proof and where i can get it from?
  10. Hey guys so this is what's happening. When changing from 3rd to 4th i can feel and sometimes hear the gearbox grind a little. Does not feel healthy at all. Was wondering if anyone could shed some light. Have read a little bit of information regarding the issue. But still don't fully understand. Could changing trans oil do anything? Could a possible leak cause this problem? My foot is fully depressed on the clutch so that is not an issue. It's only 3rd to 4th no other gears and at a higher rev or speed. Thanks guys any opinions and information would be appreciated.
  11. Hey guys. I've never changed oil on a turbo or perfomance car ever. Was wondering is it the same as any other normal car? Would yo use an oil flush let it run then drain it all out? Or would that not be advisable? A bit worried as I'm running a ball bearing turbo? Would this pose any problems?
  12. Hey guys, When I was looking at other skylines to buy. I saw this on all of them (I looked at 3). Is this a major problem? Simple seal replacement? Any info would be appreciated.
  13. Hi, Is it necessary to dry the car then use the clay bar? Or would it be o.k to just spray the lubricant while the car was wet and use the clay bar?
  14. Thanks for the help guys. I'll give it a go this weekend
  15. Hey guys I have got some scff marks on my car. Theres also a few spots which are "dirty" or brown in colour but no matter how much a sponge it, it doesn't go away. Will a clay bar do anything? Have a look at the pics. Sorry I took some tonight. If you look around the nissan badge it's a bit smudgey. Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Hey guys would a clay bar remove these scuff marks (see pic)?
  17. yeh thats another way you could describe it. When i put my foot down it goes then feels like it holds back then bang backfire. I've been taking TCS off and everythings been fine so far. I can c how thw whole unburnt fuel entering exhaust and exploding can happen because it feels as if im planting my foot down and flooding the engine. Really need an opinion with fact behind it. I can only guess as to what is happenning.
  18. I'm going to get around to changing these soon. So many ideas on what could be happening.
  19. yeh pudz thats what my theory was. It certainly feels like this is happening when I'm in the drivers seat. But like you and I we're no experts. Hopefully someone out there cam shed some light on the situation.
  20. hi all, I've been experiencing backfire when pressing on the accelerator with a bit more force than say normal driving. I've searched the threads on backfire and can't seem to find or think of anything that may be relating to my issue. Am going to change spark plugs and coilpack was changed by previous owner. So this afternoon i experimented with turning off tcs and flooring it a bit. No backfire. Turn tcs on floor it around 4000'rpm a little backfire. Was wondering if anyone has any knowledge as to whether this could be linked? At times it feels as if I'm flooding the engine causing a mismatch in petrol and air? Possibly running rich? Any help would be appreciated. car details 2000 r34 no mods to injectors or fuel pump 260rwkw
  21. heyim having the sAme problem. did your car happen to backfir as well? and howd you know it was the coils?
  22. Thanks heaps guys. Argh seems like body kits and good bodyshops are hard to find.
  23. Hi guys I'm after a reputable body shop in the Sydney area. Also if you know any places that sell body kits. I'm after a GTR front bumber to suit R34 GTT and ideas? Thanks
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