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  • Car(s)
    R34 GTT Skyline
  • Real Name
    Jayden comley

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  1. changed the plugs now its running fine just needs a bit of a tune up i think .... thanks sau
  2. just checked the plugs they look like theve never been changed thanks for the heads up ill change them 1st and hope it goes away THANKS MATE
  3. from the back it sounds like its caming or like a wrx exauhst sound
  4. hey just got back from up north jumed in my r34gtt drove it not even10kms and when i took off around a corner medium accelaration it made a wierd sound like the sound it makes if youd try to boot it while tcs is on i then deccelarted and now shes running crazy makes that sound like its missing or sumthing every time i accelarate please help me fix my beautiful machine
  5. Water by Brad Paisley...!
  6. Welcome to the best god dam forum in history:)
  7. Did you get an auto or manual I'm in w.a to and I duno about the bearded terrors lol wats the details of the car like year,engine,stock or mods ect and how much did it cost alltogether including import fees n such.....my R34 gtt got stolen recently so make shure u guard ur beast ...
  8. In w.a Perth and south have had shitloads stolen in last month my R34 bein one ov and a 33 just up the road was attempted he saw 5 6ft tall males in the house they r very organised and pik the locks walk straight in and grab the keys police say there is a massive chain ov stolen imports and there re-birthing the cats n selling the over east and over seas .... its not that hard to work for your own money
  9. I'll get it for shure its definatly goin to be interesting and for 20 bux ya can't go wrong..
  10. My R34 GTST got stolen from bertram on the 18th July between 2-5am the did the same thing straight through the back door and just so happend that my keys Wer left on the coffee table by the missus the police said that its a chain ov events especially on the jap cars there rebirthing them and sending them away bastards.... I live on heathcote way what street are you on? They deserve a bullet and a beating
  11. Bloody wankers my R34 was stolen over 2 weeks ago still haven't herd a thing but good luck hope its not to badly damaged lookd like beautiful machine mate
  12. It's a tragic story ...and I also had ppl in my street telling me to slow down coz they that my b.o.v only workd high revs its bullshit bloody old ppl..
  13. Can't post pics till tomorrow I'm in w.a and the front are the grey colour and rear are the black with grey stripe .. and the boot trim is black and grey not shure on Wat there worth so make an offer
  14. Complete standard floor mats front and rear great condition make an offer as my cars recently bin stolen Also all boot trim for sale make an offer thanks
  15. Complete standard floor mats front and rear great condition make an offer as my cars recently bin stolen Also all boot trim for sale make an offer thanks
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