If you are refering to the price of the FORCE R33 kits, please note that they are far more comprehensive than the kits offered by Japanese manufacturers. We replace the cast pipe entering the throttle body, the pipe exiting the turbo, and the rubber tube entering the turbo. We have decided to go with this design as we feel it offers the shortest possible pipe length and the best bonnet clearance of any other kit design. Replacing the rubber intake tube also eliminates the problem of the tube collapsing, often experienced at higher power levels. (not forgetting the fact that it flows better and of course looks better!)
Also, we build the intercoolers ourselves using cores built to our specifications. They feature true offset internal fins for maximum cooling efficiency. This is the same style of inner fin as used by the majority of Japanese manufacturers, except our cores are 73mm thick, as opposed to 60-65 for the Japanese equivalent.
Also note that one well respected Japanese manufacturer only uses this fin design on their high-end kits. Their standard kits use a less efficient and cheaper extruded inner tube.
Our end tanks are formed from 2mm sheet aluminium and feature a stamped radius at the tube connection. This results in a very light weight intercooler, with excellent flow charactoristics.
I am a huge fan of Japanese products myself, but I suggest you look more closely at the product than the name. I feel that in this case at least, you will find the Australian product to be of very high quality and excellent value.
One other thing that is worth noting, is that in America, if you own a WRX and want an Intercooler the firs choice is either APS or TurboXS/Hyperflow. If you haven't got the money, the next choice is the Japanese kits.......