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Everything posted by shiva

  1. Carsales ads are a big competition i guess, they have got cars for 17k which has done $36,000 which is bullshit. You need to figure out an alternate way like bringing it back to stock and reducing the price, that's what Sheldon, a previous V35 owner did. Just a thought. GLWS.
  2. spectators can pay at the gates, right?
  3. what colour is your car.....would look much better on a white or silver due to the contrast in colour of the grills.....
  4. i actually had the weber sports front bar...they look nice on the V....
  5. dont go fibre glass..gets shitty becoz of stone chips......go poly urethane.....
  6. yo Sean...looks v all are so addicted to this forum that we will check it by default even without a V35....
  7. but Sean, Matt is trying to sell the car with his wheels which is what brings his selling price to $26,000.....and buyers nowadays dont give a damn about wheels price....and compare costs with other cars in the market....
  8. much did you end by selling her for...if you dont mind telling
  9. not sure if Sheldon is still checking this forum as he sold his car a couple of months back....he got it from Strafe (US Dealer) and i would say it would cost you around the $800 figure just for shipping from the US....
  10. As Smokey said earlier, I put mine on carsales for $15,000 as it is 2003 and AT and has done 110,000kms. Had few people interested with even less offer , so changed mind. Gonna keep it rather than selling it that cheap. The price of this car is depreciating really fast and selling an AT is a tough one. Good luck Sean.
  11. Where you getting your aftermarket from? $$$???
  12. Shipping cost will be around $800. I used the sender's shipping company.
  13. hey i got it from US....VIS racing....the bar was cheap but shipment was expensive...
  14. put up the event in v&z club in facebook...not much interest so pulled down the event....there is only about 4 interested in here as well....so not sure if v got to go ahead.....
  15. Hey Tony, if there is not much interest in the long weekend cruise, v might just tag along to this one....let c when it gets closer to date....
  16. at canungra cemetery....pretty sure there will be a car park.....shudnt be hard to miss each other...more info when closer to date
  17. Saturday, 8 June 2013 09:00 Start point: Cemetery Road, Canungra End point: O Reilly Rainforest Retreat thru Lamington national park road. No turns for people to get lost. 40min drive with full on twisties. https://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=Cemetery+Rd&daddr=Lamington+National+Park+Rd&hl=en&sll=-28.167967,153.141861&sspn=0.247275,0.445976&geocode=FSFlVP4dNU8hCQ%3BFblHUf4dJ5ogCQ&oq=o+re&mra=dme&mrsp=1&sz=12&t=m&z=12
  18. June long weekend cruise. When: Saturday, Sunday or Monday (8th, 9th or 10th). Start point: Canungra End point: O Reilly Rainforest Retreat thru Lamington national park road. No turns for people to get lost. 40min drive with full on twisties. Convenient for Gold coasters. If enough interest from Brisbane guys. V can organise one. Thoughts?
  19. keen on wheels.....keep us posted if its on sale...
  20. hey i havent done much mods on the car except changed to a aftermarket exhaust....do you think the uprev reflash would be beneficial for a car which is almost stock ?
  21. how much does it cost to do the reflash at ECC ??
  22. nice to see that sellers are upfront about the product defects....good job...
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