not me personally, but i know someone who did it to there N16 that they boosted, he used a washer bottle to hold the water and used the pump from the bottle to inject the water, as for the delivery system i think he got a high pressure nozzle to act like a injector, and had it just before the throttle body
i think it ended up spraying a very fine mist to cool the air
Well I have never been on a cruise with boost cruising, and never plan on going, I feel there would be too much cop attention, as well as too many dickheads (sorry for the bad language)
Take it you went on one
On another note, is there anyone from the northside going to motokahna this weekend?, if so can you please let me know as I was thinking of a small cruise down to it
i believe that the SR20 stock injectors are the same as the RB injectors, and if so, then i believe that they would be purple, however, i'm no expert here, just relaying information i have read from other forums
just spent a few hours reading different threads on boost, those "people" need to really learn to spell full words for starters, then on top of that, stop stupid threads, but hey, it's all good for a laugh
it says haed, but doesn't say if it comes with the cams or not, as for the intake, i was simply just wondering if they were available with it as well ok mate
is it just the head only, or does it come complete, as in cams, valves, that sort of thing and also does it come with the intake manifold and turbo manifold?, also, is it still in sydney?