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Everything posted by r34gttneo

  1. its not for the tps and traction control, there are some plugs before them.
  2. hey guys is any able to tell me what the the plugs on the side of the neo are for (the ones circled) cheers cheers
  3. hey guys, i was wondering if any one in the Mandurah area would have time for me to have a quick look at the engine, as i have miss placed some wiring plugs (the ones that sit half way down the intake manifold) or if anyone could tell me what they do, there is 3 that sit above each other. cheers scott
  4. i have the one that comes on the car with the throttle body, im looking for just some ally intercooler pipe, u can buy them off ebay for about $180, i was kinda hoping someone had them lying around.
  5. hey guys, im after some intercooler piping for an rb25, inparticular the pipe that runs over the engine. cheers scott
  6. hey guys im looking for water lines for my stock turbo, does any one have them or no where i can get some from over the weekend. cheers
  7. so i had the brake callipers overhauled yesterday, and still hasnt made a difference. any one have any ideas
  8. hey guys i was wondering if any has the time to take a picture for me of the abs unit so i can see which lines go where, im having break problems and thinking they might have been put on in the wrong spot. cheers
  9. yeah it has only gone like this after the engine swap. i thought it might be a booster problem too, i did a few checks it has a vacum line coming off the intake manifold there is no leaks or anything. i put my foot on the break pedal when the car is off, then turn it on and the pedal goes down further. so that should mean that the booster is fine (hopefully). with the car off the breaks go rock hard after a few pumps.
  10. Hey guys, im having troubles with my breaks, i have a hard break pedal, but its like the breaks are not working. they take along time to bring the car to a stop. the abs lines were removed when the new engine was put in. i have bled the breaks 3 times now and used 3 containers of fluid thru the system, so there should be no air in the lines. was wondering if any one on here would have some advise. cheers scott
  11. dont worry guys all good now. can delete
  12. Thanks Terry_GT-R34. turned out they were fouled. cheers mate
  13. see if wreckers have anything or use one from an r31 like i did.
  14. thanks for the fast reply mate, i have put a pic of a spark plug that was pulled out today. ill ask the tuner tomorrow.
  15. Hi, i am having some trouble with my car not starting so i thought i would see if any one on here could help me. i have been through hundreds of threds relating to the same problem im having but am having no luck. i am using an r33 adaptronic ECU in my car. so my car has been tuned and was runnning great. i then decided to upgrade my exhasut manifold, so i purchased a 6boost manifold. took the car to my local mechanic and he installed the manifold, he had to spin the exhaust housing on the turbo and intake housing so the turbo would fit in its new position. now heres the problem he rings me and says it wont start. so i go down there and the car is turning over but wont start, it back fires, pops and farts and tries to start but it wont fire. so he checked the following 1. all plugs have spark (all spark plugs were wet when removed) 2. there is plenty of fuel 3. fuel pump works and primes 4. check all cooler pipes for leaks and blockages Thankyou very much for your help
  16. im in waroona, but willing to drive
  17. hey guys i was wondering if any one if the south west has an R33 crank angle sensor i can borrow. To see if my car will start on it. my car just back fires and pops so im hoping its just the CAS. PM if you do. Thanks
  18. hi im chasing a t3 .63 exhaust housing or bigger. i need one as mine has some cracks in it and am changing to an external gate. but not sure where to buy them from, was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. cheers scott
  19. Thanks for the help mate
  20. Hi, I have almost finished my engine, I'm just in need of engine covers, like rocker covers spark plug cover and timing belt cover. Can any one point me in the right direction. Cheers
  21. I use to use one, didn't hold boost that great
  22. Hey I'm chasing an r34 manual gear surround Cheers
  23. hey guys I'm chasing new injectors for my rb25 series 1, would like 700cc injectors can any one point me in the right direction. I'm not a fan of buy off ebay. cheers
  24. so i have been doing some research on rb clutches everyone says they are all the same. so my problem is i have an RB30/25 with a r33 rb25 gearbox, i have an rb20 clutch from a previous car(to save money i thought i would use this clutch). so gearbox was put on the engine and now it won't turn over, so i dropped the box and the engine now turns over. my question is can the rb20 clutch really be used with the rb25 gearbox. i no people will say research this, and i have and it looks as if it works - but mine doesn't. cheers
  25. all good now, fitted the cable, thanks
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