hmm. i dunno about you guys but ever since having full comp insurance, i feel that my worse fear isnt having the car stolen but vandalized
i mean IF they keyed it, stripped parts etc, i would wish that they stole it in the first place and let insurance deal with it instead of having my car feel violated =|
i read in a mag (think it was speed or something) and they had a bit on preventive measures:
1) Dont play loud music near your neighbourhood or where you are going to park
2) Dont have stickers (this is a shopping list for thieves)
3) If you park in a shopping centre etc, try to park close next to a wall so that if a thief tries to steal your wheels, it would be VERY difficult to get to the side next to the wall. Hence, 2 wheels are worth less than 4 to them.
4) Kill switches can be done
5) Have a decent alarm + immobiliser
6) Dont park in dodgy areas or places where you know something will happen (i.e. westfields at night)
7) Dark tint helps to prevent people from peeking into your windows
8) Get a cloth to hide any guages, tachos you may have on the dash
9) Hide all belongings