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Everything posted by ecl

  1. ooh, i went down from work today to refil my parking meter at milsons point someone put a flower on my windscreen... anyone from here? or am i being stalked again?
  2. c u guys there will probably be there at the carpark at 10:10 for the cruise.. have to finish work =(
  3. is this a regular friday thing? cool
  4. hmm. i dunno about you guys but ever since having full comp insurance, i feel that my worse fear isnt having the car stolen but vandalized i mean IF they keyed it, stripped parts etc, i would wish that they stole it in the first place and let insurance deal with it instead of having my car feel violated =| i read in a mag (think it was speed or something) and they had a bit on preventive measures: 1) Dont play loud music near your neighbourhood or where you are going to park 2) Dont have stickers (this is a shopping list for thieves) 3) If you park in a shopping centre etc, try to park close next to a wall so that if a thief tries to steal your wheels, it would be VERY difficult to get to the side next to the wall. Hence, 2 wheels are worth less than 4 to them. 4) Kill switches can be done 5) Have a decent alarm + immobiliser 6) Dont park in dodgy areas or places where you know something will happen (i.e. westfields at night) 7) Dark tint helps to prevent people from peeking into your windows 8) Get a cloth to hide any guages, tachos you may have on the dash 9) Hide all belongings
  5. fresh - i'll drive to newy if you can do it =) will do on the fotos
  6. hi does anyone know if the r33 and r34 king springs are the same for both models? in the catalogue, it has them together which i would assume would mean they are the same. just wanted to double check and its the weekend, so i cant call them =( thanks
  7. cruise was great, bit hot though lols, since you had a 32 GTR already, i wouldnt imagine much difference a euro sounds nice though
  8. i reckon non-turbos would go around the $25-26k for an auto and around the $27-28k for a manual ive seen some really cheap 4 doors if anyone is looking for them btw, heya cwest .. me = 5zigen from sf what ya looking to upgrade to after selling the 34?
  9. umm. newbie question are these manifolds only for aftermarket turbos or can i get one for the stock turbo ?
  10. hiya been noticing my r34 is quite higher at the back than the front (by looking at the gap between tyre and gaurd/arch) so i am asking if its possible to just lower the back ONLY by like 1-2 inch or something (so the space between the guard/arch and tyre is decreased)? i'm scared that if i lower the front, the front bar that i want to purchase will scrap (even if it doesnt, i dont want to have the hassle of being overcautious over every bump on the road) thanks
  11. omg, i dont believe it still hasnt be sold especially for the low low price i've had a look and it is in MINT condition.. if i didnt have mine, i would definately buy it.. comes with a few goodies as well btw, batmbl i'll give u a call late next week/early week after in regards to the $2xx also, free bump =)
  12. heya, i have a few photos.. not the greatest in quality but yer was a nice cruise.. nice to meet everyone 2day
  13. i like a stack of different wheels but i'm into dished rims lately after buying a set of work meister s2r's for the car but i also like the work s1's and volk te37s in bronze (very hot and suits alot of cars)
  14. what time do you guys reckon we'll reach back to the hills area? might have to start work at 5:30
  15. dont believe anything you see on paper... my GTT also makes 206kw stock too hahaha.. but trust me when i say this isnt true lol.. also you cant compare a modified car to a stock car how much is spending a little? there are alot of cars where you can spend some money on it and it will still cost less and be faster than a stock GTR HOWEVER.. there is a reason why it is a GTR and so many ppl dream about it even if may not be the fastest thing in the world =)
  16. i'd go for an older M3 or maybe a z4 however, if it had to be aussie, i'd go typhoon or modded xr6t
  17. nope =(
  18. spotted wingless black r34 GTT with no badges coming down from ryde road very clean =)
  19. wow.. u and viscount have VERY high premiums i think my quote was a freak of nature lol i agree.. there are many other options out there... r32/3 gts/t?
  20. i'm in the white r34 someonwhere in the middle =) AB ** KA
  21. drive safely and responsibly have u got quotes for both turbo and non turbo? shouldnt be that much difference me thinks? how much u get quoted?
  22. spotted yesterday (or was it the day before) : silver r34 gtt, stock rear bar, exhaust and an apexi badge goin towards dural and turning off into the road at hungry jacks.... he seemed scared of me =( also spotted last night night cnr purchase road, a bunch of little kiddies chucking rocks at cars from the side of the road... one hit my passenger door but luckily only a scratch which came off after some fixing ~~ wasnt impressed
  23. wanna know something scary apparently they're making a US version with brad pitt and tom cruise or something like that... hahahaha
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