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Everything posted by DannyC33

  1. i agree with toffy man. ill be runnin a nistune soon and have done previously in my r31 coupe. they are cheap to buy/install and powerful like a pfc.
  2. aww man. im glad i missed that law. ohwells guess ya just get to save for cool shit in the mean time.
  3. is it still non turbo? looks sick either way.
  4. woo pickin up my recaros tonight. cant wait! now i need to stop bein lazy and get my exhaust made and put the vg30 turbo on. then rego again soon.
  5. best build thread ever man. awesome photography. awesome car. just awesome.
  6. yeah. hopefully i wont have to go down that path. bein doin a bit of research and it looks as tho r32/33 skyline actuators are the same/similar. and from what i found when i was pullin mine out. they are universal fit. ie the 1 actuator will fit every door as you can just flip it/turn it to suit what ever orientation is required. fingers crossed. ill post up in the parts section if i get them to work
  7. hey mate can you send me pics of the ceffy exhaust?
  8. excellent. if you could dig it out for me and work out a price for freight to adelaide 5094 thatd be great. cheers danny.
  9. hey i know this thread is just about ancient. but do you still have the brown manual centre console lid?
  10. hey dan. another question about the central lockin in the laurel.. i was at a local wrecker the other day and found a ceffy. its mostly gone but the lock acuators were still there so i grabbed em. went to put them in but they are way different. so i decided to see if i could figure out why mine dont work. and it seems that its the acuators them selves that are f**ked as wen i plugged in the ceffy one it would work. so i took them out and the arm that goes on the gear to the motor was really loose. pulled them apart and couldnt figure out how they are ment to work. ended up figuring out that they use a spring. anyways.. question. is it possible to fix them. if not do you know of any replacement for them?
  11. yeah id say its the same stuff mate. black sticky stuff. but i know sikaflex in particular have different ones depending on application. you been goin to nisscare for long? brenton is a family friend of mine. when evers theres somethin i cant figure out i always send my cars to him. should actually go done there with the laurel one day he hasnt seen it yet haha. yeah pearl is sick. my mates got a c33 with the factory white pearl. you said you were a apprentice spray painter yeah? Where do ya work from?
  12. Was this car down at nisscare in port adl the other week? looks like a decent car man. do like. maybe see if ya can get a different front bar or somethin to try hide the cooler a bit more. (personal opinion) im lookin for a roof wing for my laurel and was either gonna use sikaflex 224e i think it is.. (specifically designed for window) or the proper 3m body moulding tape. have used both before on glass with no issues at all.
  13. aww that's devastating news!!! now what will everyone look up to!?! think of the children!
  14. just by lookin at them im gonna say no.
  15. not to my knowledge. but yeah recaros are fine because they are a factory fitted seat. even after market ones and fixed backs most are legal. only issues really is the rails.
  16. Yeah brides are sick but i wanted somethin legal. currently other then the coil overs and my offset there's nothin detectable about it.
  17. And recaro it shall be. put a deposit on the evo ones today. gonna pic em up next weekish when i have a car that's able to fit them in the back to take home Haha. Turns out the missus audi tt isnt quite big enough Haha
  18. I have recaro rails for a laurel already. so ease of fitment doesn't affect decision Haha. :-P
  19. other option is 32gtr seats... hmmm
  20. hey guys need an opinion. currently there is two sets of recaros for sale. both are similar price. just dunno which would suit the laurel more. they are both black so will need to be retrimmed. the first set are out of an evo 4. ie the second set are an old school recaro out of say a jza70r supra, or evo 1-3, brock commo. ie what do people think?
  21. other option is camry ones.. i have widebody camry bonnet struts in my laurel, they are direct fit and really cheap from my work haha.
  22. Hey Dan. yeah the central locking has never worked.. the drivers side rear door will do the auto lock thing at above 20kph and will lock when i lock the drivers door. but wont unlock and no other door will lock or unlock. brake light relay you say?? how so? also ive noticed lately that while im driving around there is a clickin coming from the passenger side door, not sure if front or rear. but basically its the same clickin that happens if i press the door lock button on the drivers door handle.
  23. spotted a clean white ceffy with a black front mount hangin out the front down at nisscare yesturday.
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