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    Perth WA

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    R33 GTST S1.5

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  1. The quality must have been good as I got thought 6 studs (whole day work) and only snapping 1 bit
  2. It was some time ago.. I picked up the ezy out from a hardware store. Was pretty cheap from what i remember. It comes with everything you need but to make the job easier i just used a smaller drill bit that i found laying around and then if u grind the tool down alittle you wont have to drill so far in, as the start of the tool doesn't really do anything. I also bought a 90deg attachement for the drill (bout 20 bucks) so I could actually get the drill inside the engine bay.
  3. Hi everyone. I can get a Garret TO4 bush baring turbo for just about free. Specs are: 1.32AR Exhaust P Trim 60AR Compressor E trim?? Would this be a good upgrade?? How much power could I get? Would it be laggy? Thanks.
  4. Ive been having problems with mine this year. Since its been playing up ive had a PFC fitted, pulled the dash apart and reflowed all connections to Tacho, and checked all connections. Still doesnt work properly. Its most probably some worn out components in the Tacho module.
  5. ill take the dash cluster if it come with a working tacho that will work on a R33 manual turbo??
  6. Received mine today. Thanks Sherwin
  7. Please put me down for a R33 lock bar. Bank details please Thanks.
  8. Hey all. Currently I have my R33 running 9psi on the stock turbo. It has been tuned with a PFC at this pressure. I was thinking of putting the boost up to 12psi? can i do this safely without getting it re tuned? Thanks.
  9. I just replaced all my exhaust manifold studs today. Had 6 snapped studs.. I just used a easy out tool. Ended up using a smaller drill bit that came with the packet and grinded the easy out tool down a bit so i didn't have to drill in so much. Took about 5 hours but only used 1 easy out tool and snapped 1 drill bit.
  10. Hey guys.. Just letting you know i worked on my car all day today.. I mean all day!! After getting the manifold off 3 studs broke very easy .. I had a total of 6 snapped studs in my head. Got a Easy out tool and started drilling (using a 90degress drill attachment)... God it was painful and took so long. Anyway got all the broken studs out in about 5 hours.. Replaced gasket and studs and put it all back together. Running sweet now..... Wouldn't like to do that again. Now to rest my aching body.
  11. Still waiting for bank details so i can place a deposit... Thanks
  12. PLZ PM me bank details for deposit. Thanks.
  13. Do i just get the 40mm in length studs?
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