Hi Guys,
I have a 1996 skyline which i purchased a few months back and though it was great in the beginning am looking for the extra grunt.
It is a standard stock turbo, automatic r33 with a turbo timer and some minor body work.
I am looking for some advice on what I can do to modify my car to make it go harder and fell like i can beat everyone on the roads am tired of these Hyundai Elantra's thinking they can keep up with me.
I love the pick up the car has got but I want more and a steady increase in power and also feel that though am at a 100 or 120k's I can still get a lot more out of the car If I choose
Any suggestion will be welcome am currently starting off on a lighter budget till i know how far i wish to go.
oh by the way I live in Perth so any suggestions on affordable performance shops are greatly welcome.