Ahem; Dear Mr Mad082 et al, I have been driving high-powered vehicles and competing Club Motorsport for more than 20 years. In fact I was out gaining valuable driving experience and skills while you were still graduating from Kindergarten. Given I'm now in my 40's and have survived with all my faculties intact and not so much as a scatch to either myself or others, I ask that you grant me some courtesy and perhaps keep your opinions to yourself. As the saying goes, "Opinions are like arseholes; everyone's got one!" Just because you have an opinion, that doesn't automatically make it right! If one has nothing positive to say, perhaps say nothing at all!? I'm all for people expressing an opinion but slagging people off whom you really know very little about, is neither polite, nor mature. Obviously we don't all have to agree on here, but a little basic human courtsey never goes astray! Polite intelligent dialogue or, nothing at all.
Please play nicely people!