Im in the process of changing my gauges too (just waiting for them to arrive from america)
Basically, if you want the gauge behind the glass, its 52mm, if you want gauge sitting right where the original glass actually is its 60mm, if you take the cluster out and have a look you'll know what i mean. I opted for the 60mm, i didnt like having the 52mm gauge behind the glass, and then behind the gauges glass, it just make it look like the gauge was too far back. The 60mm is still behind the cluster so its not sticking out or anything so it looks like its meant to be there. Plus i also liked the size of the 60mm, i wanna see whats going by a glimpse, not trying to focus my eyes on what my gauges are doing when im have a spirited drive.
Another thing to consider with choosing your gauges is the bezel it comes with, obviously u want a flat faced bezel if u want it to fit nicely.
I'll post up pics when mine are install, but unfortunately that might be a few weeks away.