Of course, the curriculum is different for every year level and every school has different priorities for learning area topics and different whole school methods of teaching the curriculum. Methods also need to be adapted depending on the students, and how they learn best. I may have taught inquiry process in the past, but if the students aren't ready then I have to adapt. Schools also have different prescribed resources for teaching Learning Areas. For example I'm teaching chemical science this year in grade 3, whereas last year I taught life and living in grade 3. Good teachers also differentiate the curriculum to suit students learning needs. For example I can't effectively teach a lesson on three letter digraphs to a student, when the child can't identity two letter digraphs...even if the curriculum is dictating that, and three letter digraphs is what I've taught in the past. Lessons always need to be adapted for students, depending on their academic ability, prior knowledge and socio economic status. For example my history lessons on Aboriginal culture this year are very different when teaching to kids at East Doncaster than they were teaching to kids in Bunbury. Same topic, utilising the same resources, but completely different lessons to accommodate the students prior knowledge and experiences.