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Everything posted by L33SH

  1. 27/04/15 Squat 20kg x 10 40kg x 5 60kg x 2 75kg x 1 70kg x 2 67.5kg x 7 65kg x 10 65kg x 10 60kg x 10 Pull-Up 7 6 5 4
  2. Love our dyson
  3. I know exactly what you mean. I've been on and off for years. At the moment I am pretty depressed due to some recent personal stuff that's happened to me. I just don't know how to be okay again, and I feel like I have no one to talk to. The people that do know what I've been through tell me I need to move on and move forward, but I don't know how. I feel so lost, empty and at times numb. Sometimes I just have to block out my thoughts to even get through the day without crying and I know I'm repressing a lot of my feelings atm, which will probably f**k me up even more long term, but it's the only strategy I have. Then I have other factors affecting me at this point in time; such as missing home/family/friends and missing my job back home which I really enjoyed. Gym is really the only outlet I have here. I do enjoy group fitness classes and I used to do boxing, which I loved, but my injuries make it difficult for me to be able to do those things, so I just stick to weights which I know I can do relatively pain free.
  4. Yeah I'm still pretty injured
  5. 24/04/15 Bench Press 25kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 2 57.5kg x 0 50kg x 5 45kg x 8 45kg x 5 40kg x 11 Deadlift 20kg x 10 40kg x 10 60kg x 7
  6. If you pay they'll suck your dick?
  7. [emoji106]
  8. You pay equally, and she also folds your clothes and makes your sandwiches
  9. Broccoli and tofu, bitch.
  10. Dymatize hydrolyzed in birthday cake [emoji512]
  11. Probably depression
  12. One reason is that 75kg is not what I should be 1rming. Put my volume sets into a 1rm calculator and my 1rm comes out at nearly 100kg. Like I've said previously, I can squat 60kg for over 20 reps, so it's not a strength issue...yet I'm just getting one rep of 75kg. I know it's technique... I just don't know what I'm doing wrong with the heavier weight.
  13. various reasons
  14. 22/04/15 Squat 20kg x 10 45kg x 3 60kg x 2 75kg x 1 70kg x 1 65kg x 8 65kg x 10 60kg x 10 60kg x 10 Pull-Up 7 6 5 4
  15. I use it, on the tropical sunrise flavour atm, quite like it. Which brand were you using previously?
  16. 20/04/15 Deadlift 20kg x 10 40kg x 10 50kg x 10 50kg x 10 Bench Press 25kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 2 56kg x 1 50kg x 4 45kg x 9 45kg x 6 30kg x 25 Bicep Curl 15kg x 10 17.5kg x 10 20kg x 10 25kg x 6 22.5kg x 10
  17. Are you talking about the intra workout?
  18. That's my decanter, thanks
  19. My sister got married on her 21st birthday
  20. Got my CT scan results, said similar to the xray results in regards to the narrowing, but apparently not impinging on a nerve. I did ask the GP why I'm getting a pain running down my leg in certain positions though... Anyway I have 5 physio sessions booked to try and sort things, hopefully will be more successful with this information
  21. Thanks disappointed with the 75. Can squat 60kg forever but not one of 75.
  22. 17/04/15 Squat 20kg x 10 45kg x 3 60kg x 2 75kg x 0 75kg x 0 70kg x 1 60kg x 21 60kg x 5 (low as possible) Pull-Up 6
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