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Everything posted by L33SH

  1. Thanks, was hard enough to even get my hips aligned on the table
  2. Just had my back x ray. Hopefully can get some answers
  3. 28/03/15 Bench Press 25kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 2 55kg x 1 50kg x 2 45kg x 8 45kg x 8 40kg x 11
  4. Yep. Bought a ring for 4 grand (got $200 discount) 2 weeks later the same ring was on sale for 2 grand.
  5. 3 months salary is for gold diggers unless you are rich as fk
  6. Don't I know it
  7. From the mouth of babes
  8. Lol at e85 secret message
  9. Thanks Birds. I definitely let outside influences into the gym, which I need to not do in future. With my life so out of my comfort zone right now, the gym is the one constant I have; something I can be in control of. When I missed the 75kg that I've gotten many times before I gave up. I even said I'm not squatting anymore. I lost all intensity, motivation and drive. I'm lucky that my gym partner is also my emotional trigger, the one person that can get me out of my negative mindset and thoughts, and push me just enough to bring me back to where I need to be. He helped me flick the switch and turn off my negative thoughts and reminded me why I'm doing this. I'm proud of myself for having the inner strength to turn my session around and achieve a pb of 30x50 and I'm thankful to my partner for believing in me. Bring on 80kg squat.
  10. 26/03/15 Squat 20kg x 10 45kg x 3 60kg x 2 70kg x 1 75kg x 0 70kg x 0 60kg x 8 60kg x 8 60kg x 10 50kg x 30 Pull-Up 9 5 5
  11. Birdbug
  12. mmm not to you?
  13. Green Day - Brain Stew
  14. Welcome to the Pilbara...Seen so many in our backyard in Wickham. Is that a python? or brown? Looks too big for a whip
  15. You firstly edited this post, then you had to look up these lyrics to write the modified post. I know all your secrets.
  16. well there goes your massage tonight
  17. I'm cold
  18. Grats Troy, awesome stuff
  19. Optimum nutrition gold standard whey was very popular at my powerlifting gym. Probably the best tasting protein shake I've ever had. A kg bag is about $60 though. My sister loves species nutrition isolyze, haven't tried it myself though.
  20. I did say in my earlier post that my lats are looking better. The only part of my body that I'm not happy with at the moment is my abs. I'm carrying a bit too much excess fat around my stomach, and I know there are some reasons as to why this is. The fact that I do zero cardio may also be contributing. There may be teenage girls who want to look like I do.... They should consistently eat a lot of food, with limited fats, then eat more, then eat a bit more, consume around 150g of protein a day and lift heavy weights
  21. Thanks Rev and Birds.
  22. Guns are a lot easier to develop on a male I feel I'd love to have that bicep muscle separation but my arm is the same size from the shoulder to elbow, not sure what else I should be doing to develop the definition there. My lats are looking better lately though which is good considering I can't deadlift.
  23. 23/03/15 Bench Press 25kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 2 55kg x 0 55kg x 0 50kg x 2 45kg x 8 45kg x 7 45kg x 5 40kg x 7 Bicep Curl 15kg x 10 17.5kg x 10 20kg x 10 22.5kg x 10 25kg x 4
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