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Everything posted by L33SH

  1. An Asian suburb
  2. That won't be far off hey Troy
  3. I did city up surf too. What was your time?
  4. Nice physique
  5. Maybe the reason why powerlifting gyms don't have mirrors
  6. Cool, I assumed it was something like that. My issue is that I can't feel when I'm out of alignment, unbalanced etc. I have to use my sight. As I can't see when bench pressing, I have to get birds to straighten my position on the bench; what I feel as straight is apparently very crooked
  7. What's the purpose of blind squats?
  8. Offset account, had the same thing on my loan
  9. You've got years until you even see the loan go down, took me 3.
  10. Stiff, groin...haha
  11. 18/03/15 Bench Press 25kg x 10 35kg x 5 45kg x 3 50kg x 1 55kg x 1 50kg x 3 45kg x 7 45kg x 7 40kg x 10 Bicep Curl 15kg x 10 17.5kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 25kg x 4
  12. Thanks, apparently I am... just doesn't feel like it right now. I feel like everything I knew about myself has been taken away from me.
  13. Yes I know I need to sort my back out, it's just expensive. The physio helped; did dry needling and taping but it's $75 a visit. I blanked out deadlifts as soon as I was injured, haven't done them for six months. I can do good mornings with an empty bar okay. I was doing good mornings when I was first injured at my previous gym, as they were recommended to me. I hope I can look forward to a pain free and stronger future too. Things like putting my shoes on in the morning and getting into the car are extremely difficult and overall affects my way of life. The reason why I haven't stopped gym is because it's one of the few things I have left. I gave up all the things I enjoyed back home, my job that I loved, and my family and friends to move to Victoria. I've also recently been through the worst experience of my life, which has led to depression amongst other things, all whilst being away from home. So yes whilst I'm in a lot of pain, going to the gym is one of the only things at the moment that makes me feel less shit about myself and my life right now.
  14. Get fkd
  15. We saw the strong men at the expo too. I saw Dan Macri, he's one of my faves.
  16. I'm not sure? It was my shoulder that was causing me pain. Basically now I have a lower back hyper extension. Can't walk up stairs properly, can't get in and out of a car without being in pain, stuff like that.
  17. Another injury, (hyper extension) the thorasic spine injury has healed, took about 14 months all up until I felt no pain whatsoever
  18. Been injured since October, physio helped a bit but so expensive
  19. No, injured atm so just taking it easy.
  20. Teacher checking in, I know everything.
  21. 16/03/15 Squat 20kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 3 60kg x 1 70kg x 1 60kg x 7 60kg x 9 50kg x 10 Pull-Up 6 6 5
  22. So which one is your ideal physique?
  23. Yuck, way out of proportion. That mid section is terrible... Get some meat there
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