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Everything posted by L33SH

  1. 25/10/14 Bench Press 25kg x 10 35kg x 5 45kg x 3 55kg x 0 50kg x 1 45kg x 5 40kg x 15 40kg x 12 40kg x 9 Close Grip Bench Press 30kg x 10 35kg x 10 40kg x 10 Bicep Curl 15kg x 10 20kg x 10 30kg x 3 30kg x 1 Decline Ab Crunch 10kg plate 50
  2. I bought an ab wheel today, always getting used at my gym
  3. I got the buckle instead of the lever because I've heard some federations don't allow the lever in comps?
  4. This is my belt, in hot pink. http://www.inzernet.com/detail_belt.asp?PRODUCT_ID=FOREVERBELT_BUCKLE13
  5. 21/10/14 Deadlift 60kg x 10 80kg x 5 100kg x 3 110kg x 1 122.5kg x 1 100kg x 5 Bench Press 25kg x 10 35kg x 5 45kg x 3 50kg x 4 50kg x 4 50kg x 3 45kg x 5 40kg x 10 40kg x 10 Bicep Curl 15kg x 10 20kg x 10 25kg x 6 25kg x 4 27.5kg x 2 Decline Ab Crunch 10kg plate 20 20
  6. If you look at the strongest deadlifters in the world, they all wear belts during training and competitions, and I don't think they have weak backs! There is a strong (haha) correlation between those who wear belts and those who lift crazy heavy weights.
  7. with dollops of flavour on top
  8. 20/10/14 Squat 20kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 3 60kg x 3 70kg x 1 75kg x 1 60kg x 15 60kg x 5 Pull Up 8 6 5 5 3 Lat Pulldown 40kg x 10 50kg x 10 55kg x 5
  9. I train at a dedicated powerlifting gym and everyone uses them for their 1RMs. A few use them for their sets beforehand such as two and three reps The belts are used on squat, dead and also bench. I haven't looked into any evidence which suggests they weaken the back. When I got coached by Nathan Baxter, he suggested the belt protects your lower back and from my lifting experience with a belt I agree.
  10. 18/10/14 Squat 20kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 3 60kg x 3 72.5kg x 0 70kg x 1 60kg x 5 60kg x 5 50kg x 10 50kg x 10 40kg x 30 45 Leg Press 100kg x 10 100kg x 10 100kg x 10 Pull Up 7 5 5 5 3 Lat Pulldown 40kg x 10 50kg x 5 55kg x 5
  11. No wonder it's spreading... http://m.nydailynews.com/news/national/man-hazmat-suit-transfers-dallas-ebola-patient-cdc-plane-article-1.1976079
  12. I'd like more shape to them but it's a start.
  13. Quad progress
  14. 15/10/14 Deadlift 60kg x 10 80kg x 5 100kg x 2 110kg x 1 120kg x 1 100kg x 3 100kg x 2 100kg x 1 Bench Press 25kg x 10 35kg x 5 45kg x 3 55kg x 1 50kg x 3 50kg x 3 45kg x 5 40kg x 10 Bicep Curl 15kg x 10 17.5kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 8 25kg x 5 25kg x 4 Decline Ab Crunch 10kg plate 30
  15. I can only see it as a thumbnail, even when I save it I cant make it bigger
  16. too small!
  17. 13/10/14 Squat 20kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 3 60kg x 3 70kg x 1 60kg x 15 60kg x 5 60kg x 5 50kg x 10 50kg x 10 Pull Up 7 5 5 3 Lat Pulldown 40kg x 10 50kg x 5 55kg x 5 40kg x 10
  18. Apparently she's 'too poor' to eat healthy, therefore only eats junk food and is asking the government for more benefits to help her diet.
  19. This one does
  20. http://m.perthnow.com.au/business/companies/red-bull-agrees-to-pay-15-million-for-falsely-claiming-to-provide-superpowers/story-fnhohek5-1227083265159 Lol
  21. 08/10/14 Deadlift 60kg x 10 80kg x 5 100kg x 3 112.5kg x 1 117.5kg x 1 100kg x 5 100kg x 4 Bench Press 25kg x 10 35kg x 5 45kg x 3 50kg x 1 55kg x 0 52kg x 0 45kg x 3 30kg x 23
  22. 06/10/14 Squat 20kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 3 60kg x 1 70kg x 1 60kg x 10 60kg x 10 Pull Up 7 5 5 Lat Pulldown 38kg x 10 45kg x 10 55kg x 5
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