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Everything posted by L33SH

  1. Samsonite Guess Lucca
  2. Innocent until "proven" guilty at its best eh?
  3. Apparently my chest infection has turned into asthma so now have a puffer and got some pharmacy flu tablets with pseudoephedrine, codeine and chlorpheniramine
  4. So I've now been sick for two weeks. I finished my antibiotics on Monday. I felt fine on Monday after having the previous week off, so I returned to work. I then started feeling unwell again Tuesday evening. I barely made it through work yesterday and I'm off work today. I don't know what's wrong, flu symptoms with a very chesty cough and a mad headache. I'm catching a plane tomorrow so really don't want to be feeling like this
  5. and a jetski
  6. 09/09/14 Deadlift 60kg x 10 80kg x 5 100kg x 1 125kg x 0 120kg x 0 100kg x 2 100kg x 2 100kg x 2 80kg x 10 80kg x 10 60kg x 10 Bench Press 20kg x 10 35kg x 5 45kg x 3 55kg x 0 50kg x 1 45kg x 5 45kg x 5 45kg x 5 45kg x 5 45kg x 5 40kg x 5 Bicep Curl 15kg x 10 17.5kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 5 20kg x 7 25kg x 4 25kg x 4 Decline Ab Crunch 10kg Plate 25 25
  7. 08/09/14 Squat 20kg x 10 40kg x 5 50kg x 3 60kg x 3 75kg x 1 60kg x 5 60kg x 5 60kg x 5 60kg x 5 60kg x 5 Pull-Up 6 5 4 4 3 3 Lat Pulldown 40kg x 10 45kg x 10 50kg x 5 55kg x 5
  8. L33SH


    Yeah city to surf was crazy hilly
  9. L33SH


    Thank you I don't run anymore. I used to run 5km a few times a week a couple of years ago, but was told it would interfere with my lifting so stopped. I began running a month ago for this City to Surf, didn't run over 8km when training. I think I have a natural long distance running ability, as I used to win cross country and the 1500m easily at school.
  10. Every human comes in somewhere on the autism spectrum scale.
  11. Not cool.
  12. Grats! what were the pbs?
  13. And I'm still at home sick. I think the antibiotics are giving me a mad headache
  14. I've never had a Krispy Kreme either
  15. Really? Wow
  16. So I'm waiting at the doctors to get a medical certificate for work and I just think the process is silly. The last thing I wanted to do today is drive around and be in public when I'm sick, ugh.
  17. Happy birthday Moh
  18. L33SH


    So I participated in the 12km run for the Perth City to Surf yesterday. I ran the whole way, with a time of 1 hour and 10 minutes. Out of 11,173 people for my particular event, overall I came 4604, my gender place was 1321, and for my category of female 30-39 years I came 388th Not bad for my first ever time at running 12km!
  19. thanks love bench
  20. L33SH


    Easy! My squats are pretty average since I had 3 weeks off. I'm only 2.5kg off my pb but I've lost my endurance. I was doing 60kg x 13 now I'm doing 60kg x 5 and that's a struggle. Luckily I'm making pbs in bench and deads to make up for it lol
  21. L33SH


    Grats that's awesome
  22. 28/08/14 Deadlift 60kg x 10 80kg x 5 100kg x 1 110kg x 1 120kg x 1 100kg x 5 100kg x 3 Bench Press 20kg x 10 35kg x 5 45kg x 3 55kg x 1 45kg x 5 45kg x 5 45kg x 5 45kg x 3 40kg x 8 40kg x 8 40kg x 5 Bicep Curl 15kg x 10 17.5kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 5 20kg x 5 Decline Ab Crunch 10kg Plate 20 20
  23. when are you looking at going?
  24. I'm talking $80 Australian, was a few years ago just booked online with agoda
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