08/08/16 Deadlift 40kg x 10 60kg x 10 70kg x 5 75kg x 5 80kg x 4 60kg x 10 40kg x 20 Bench Press 30kg x 10 40kg x 10 50kg x 6 50kg x 5 50kg x 6 50kg x 3 40kg x 10 Lat Pulldown 30kg x 10 40kg x 10 47kg x 7 47kg x 6 Bicep Curl 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 22.5kg x 9 22.5kg x 9 20kg x 7 20kg x 9 Captain's Chair 35 20 20
01/08/16 Bench Press 30kg x 10 40kg x 10 50kg x 7 50kg x 7 50kg x 6 50kg x 4 40kg x 8 40kg x 8 Deadlift 40kg x 10 60kg x 10 70kg x 10 75kg x 5 60kg x 10
20/07/16 Bench Press 30kg x 10 40kg x 10 50kg x 7 50kg x 5 50kg x 6 50kg x 6 50kg x 6 Bicep Curl 8kg db x 10 8kg db x 10 20kg x 10 25kg x 5 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10
18/07/16 Still prp hurting so light weights Squat 20kg x 10 40kg x 10 50kg x 10 45kg x 10 40kg x 10 40kg x 10 40kg x 10 40kg x 10 Pull-Up 8 7 6 Captain's Chair 40 30 20 10
If I can just add to your post Rev; internal rotation is an absolute must! I'm seeing a specialist due to shoulder bursitis and I've been doing internal/external rotation exercises and incorporating band pulls into my workouts too. The specialist has really honed in about having a strong posterior chain and core, (which I'm working on atm to improve pain associated with lower back disc protrusion.) I've started doing yoga and Pilates again... The amount of strong males in the classes is impressive. There's a couple of football players in the yoga class who are very agile and flexible. So if I could make a suggestion... Don't forget the posterior chain!
Good job getting straight on the physio.. unfortunately it seems part and parcel of lifting! I have acupuncture regularly these days. Massage can be beneficial as long as it's done by someone trained in remedial or sports massage.
Had PRP injections yesterday for shoulder bursitis, supraspinatus tendon and L5/S1 disc protrusion. Very sore today at the injection sites so can't do any lifting. So I did 500 body squats tonight at 50 rep intervals, legs are hurting.
Bench Press
30kg x 10
40kg x 10
52.5kg x 7
60kg x 1
62.5kg x 1
55kg x 4
50kg x 8
50kg x 7
45kg x 9
40kg x 10
60kg x 10
70kg x 10
75kg x 5
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
16kg x 10
16kg x 10
16kg x 8
16kg x 7