Hey there!!! Anyone there who wouldnt mind sending me a copy of these downloads?
Iv tried everything but the downloads won't work.
If your happy to help il pass on my email!
Thanks Josh!!
Iv searched everywhere.
I was even gona put a arx bumper on until i find a Autech one.
Think il have to get parts from japan.
Just gota do more homework.
Hi there!!!
Trying to find a M35 Autech Axis bumper, chrome grill and bonnet chrome.
Anyone know where i can get from?
Had my car about a month an some prick backed into it in the car park. AND did a runner.
Any info or help would be great
The key i have is the one with the 2 buttons on it!!! Lock and Open
there is a little sensor thing on the front passenger but i cant remember if theres any near the driver seat!! Im away at work for another week but il put some pics up soon as i get back!!!
I think il get a metal key cut for it and just try it an see what it dose!!
Thaks heaps lads!!!
Thanks for the info once again!
I assumed what I read when they mention gtr they ment godzilla but Il see if I can find the article for a closer look!
I guess I have ao many questions being new to the m35!
My last car I just went out n bought all the workshop manuals and my questions were answered but in this case it's not that easy!
Iv found out more here with u lads than I have of the net!
Thanks again
Sorry if iv started unnecessary chatter on here guys! Just wanted to sus things out! Thanks for your replys tho lads!
I'm new here and to the Stageas and need all the info I can get to make sure she stays Micky mouse!
And to get a few more herbs!
Thanks again!!!
Hi there
Im the proud owner of a M35 Axis Autech. Im so happy with it amazied at how special they are to drive. Theres not enough hours of day light in the day to drive it.!!!
Im just wondering if anyone has filter No and oil n coolant recomendations for M35?
Also is there any workshop manuals out there in English yet?
Haha!!! You guys are gold!!! loads of lol!!!
Iv always been a big fan of the rb26 but havin a new model car would mean id have to sacrifise my owning a rb26!!!
I didnt know if i was better of with an older model or newer model and with the help of you legends and this forum/ website iv made my decision!!!!
m35 it will be as long as i can find a good one soon!!!
You lads wont catch me linin up at the drags!! Il be the 1 on the side lines cheerin with a can in my hand!!!
I prefer the look of the m35 stageas to the rs4 stageas. I guess i want the newest possible car with the newest safety features but also turbo and 4wd.
Taking the little boy out n about but also have the power there to give it a skwirt when im traveling on my own.
Im not really fussed with mods to get big horse power i just want reliablity.
Im pretty happy with autos as well. I have a original vl berlina turbo wagon auto and that has plenty of stick for me. not far from standard as well. But it has the saftey features of a 1988 model car so the newer the better for me.
Is it that easy to tamper with the speedo on a m35?
Like will I have trouble finding a car with real kms on it?
I don't want to spend anyore than 15k max but preferably closer to 10k
Is there any tell tale signs that a m35 has had the speedo tampered with?