You little boys and your toys. If you don't have any mechanical knowledge at all or have only driven a hyundai before you'll never know what to look for in a high"ish" performance machine when purchasing. There are so many systems on a 20 year old gtr to consider. Don't get one from Blacktown for starters! Come on man use ya brain. Import from those tidy little bastards over there. Un-molested,clean and hopefully rust free. They ARE an old car but,shit, for just over 20k your gonna smash any other ride that could pick up for that $$. Use your melon and be patient. Stay away from s**t that's been "rebuilt". Your getting into trouble straight away unless NISMO built it!! And leave the thing alone unless you are a mechanic stop doing the dodgy s**t to these cars if ya don't know what ya doing!!! Don't get one if ya don't have some $$ in the bank either, they aint cheap to maintain properly with good quality gear. STOP DREAMING!!!